the truth gets out

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This is a very spicy chapter so be ready!

C | did payton tell you about the incident.

y/n | yeah.

C | he told you i talked shit about him to draw avani away didn't he.

y/n | along those lines yeah.

C | i hate his guts. you want to hear the real story.

y/n | go for it.

Spicy, okay now story time.

C | when we first met each other we clicked and in middle school we were not cool. so we were each other's best friends. we spend every minute together he was my best friend and i wanted the best for him. but then we moved here and started highschool and we were the coolest kids there. then payton met avani. they were inseparable he had no time for me but that was okay because he was happy!

y/n | payton said you talked shit to make them break up?

C | no, payton was seeing another girl. idk who it was so i did the right thing and told avani. she got pissed and they broke up.

y/n | what the fuck! are you kidding me! he was cheating on her!?

C | yeah, i saw it and he told me not to say anything.

you instantly burst into tears. Charli came over to comfort you. soon after payton walked out of the bathroom and confused he ran up to you.

P | y/n what's wrong.

he wrapped his arm around you and you quickly pushed it off.

y/n | what the hell is wrong with you!

P | what?

y/n | you cheated on avani?!

P | no? who told you that?

y/n | Charli! and you told her not to say anything to avani and then never talked to her again.

payton turns to Charli and begins to yell.


y/n | i didn't do anything! i told her the truth.

you couldn't handle the fighting anymore so you ran out of your room and slammed the door behind you. you ran downstairs and out the front door.

*Payton and Charli's view*

P | look what you just fucking did. why can't i just be happy charli! is it that much of a problem for you?!

C | i told her the truth that you couldn't tell her!

P | charli, i made a mistake. it wasn't my fault!

C | how is cheating not your fault?!

P | Zoe was over helping with homework and she came onto me and i couldn't do anything about it. now i'm going to go fix things with y/n because she is all i got because clearly i don't have a step sister!


payton stomped out of the room to go look for you. he ran down the grand staircase before being stopped by your father.

dad | payton, how lovely it is to see you. what is all the yelling upstairs. is y/n okay?

P | me and charli got into a fight and y/n left. idk where she went!

dad | honesty is always the key, son. she expected you'd come look for her. she's on the front patio.

P | thank you so much sir.

payton ran outside to see you with you face in you hands on the porch.

*Back to your view*

P | y/n ?

he said softly and sat next to you. you honestly didn't want to hear it but deep inside you didn't want to let him go.

y/n | what

you said with your voice breaking.

P | i know you don't want to hear excuses but can you just listen? for one second?

y/n | you lied to me. and i was so honest to you. i told you about my mom!

P | i'm sorry. and i didn't think i'll ever be able to make it up. but i didn't cheat on avani.

thanks for almost 200 views ily all so much!

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