dont change

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Woah this chapter is a roller coaster strap in😂

- payton just picked you up and saw your mansion and array of cars on your way to your date

Now back to the story

you get back on the road and payton doesn't say much so you get on your phone. but you feel really bad so you strike up a conversation.

y/n | so where are we going?

P | uh, Canes.

y/n | awesome!

you could tell something was off with him. you didn't know what else to say so you were silent for the next few minutes but soon enough you were there. You both get out of the car and start walk in but you walk in but you stop him.

y/n | what's wrong?

P | nothing, why?

y/n | your not acting like yourself?

P | how would you know?

you walk in front of him and grab his hands holding them by your sides.

y/n | i just do. what is it?

P | it's just... after i saw where you lived i realized that there is no way someone like me will get someone like you.

y/n | no. no, no, no payton. this is perfect. i love this for us.

P | really?

y/n | yes! don't change yourself because of me i like you just the way you are.

you smile. and he smiles back.

y/n | okay?

P | okay.

you grab his hand and hold it in both yours while you walk in. you order and sit down to wait for your food.

P | so how are you so rich anyway?

y/n | my dad owns a car construction company.

P | oh, really?

y/n | yeah. it's all really nice but it get tiring. i spend a lot of time missing my mom.

P | what happened? if you don't mind me asking.

y/n | no it's okay. she works in the military and she cheated on my dad. so the got a divorce.

before he can say anything the server brings your food. you both start eating and you are having a wonderful time.

* Time skip to leaving the restaurant *

P | thank you for such a great night

y/n | no, thank you for taking me.

P | of course

you sit down in the car and it starts storming. you have always been terrified of storms.

P | are you okay?

y/n | uh, yeah.

P | omg!

he said terrified

P | did i do something wrong?

y/n | no! i'm just... scared of storms.

P | oh. is there anything i can do.

y/n | no it's fine. i just have to get home.

payton reaches over and grabs your hand with his freehand. you feel much more comforted but the it starts raining harder and harder.

y/n | payton. how can you see?

P | i can see. it's fine.

y/n | no. payton you can't see just pull over for a bit.

P | you have to be home in 5 minutes.

y/n | it's okay. my dad will understand.

P | i want your dad to like me.

y/n | well he wouldn't like you if you killed me.

payton pulled over.

y/n | thank you

P | sorry. i just really want him to like me

you put your hand on his cheek.

y/n | he will i promise. i'll just call him and tell him i'll be home a little late.

so you pick up the phone and call your dad.

Paytons POV
i feel very very bad. i want to get her home but she was terrified. besides the point she looks adorable i decided to stop because i want her safe. but like woah. have you seen her. damn.

*ends POV*

soon enough you get off the phone.

y/n | my dad wants us to drive the rest of the way. they have the canopy over the driveway and he's waiting at the entrance.

P | okay. are you good to keep going.

y/n | i'll be fine.

P | hold my hand. we aren't far.

What do you think will happening the way home😳 thanks for 69 views. it not many but didn't think anyone would see it.

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