a look around :)

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Here's some hype music for this Chapter!

after you admire your room for a bit you decide to go see what your dad and stepmom are up to.

y/n | hey dad!

dad | oh y/n ! this is Jacob our new butler because André wanted to stay with our old house for the new buyers.

y/n | oh, i will miss André. but i'm sure Jacob will be great!

sm | Jacob would love to show you around town as me and your father find out when the movers get here.

y/n | sounds great! could you fetch my outfit from the backseat of the van, Jacob?

J | of course sweetheart

Jacob bring you your outfit (Shown Below)

Jacob bring you your outfit (Shown Below)

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you change and walk down the staircase

y/n | What do you think?

sm | perfect for a walk around town! Jacob start the car.

she shouts. Jacob walks outside to go start the car

sm | you haven't eaten a proper meal since Sunday how about we order something!

y/n | anything sounds better then on the road food right now!

sm | i hear you! i'll order takeout from a nice restaurant around here

y/n | sounds great! but the cars ready for me!

sm | okay! have fun

*fast forward to walking around town with Jacob*

as you are walking you see a nice sweater in the window of a shop and pull Jacob inside to go look around. as your walking around you spot a cute boy out of the corner of your eye. he looks at you so you wave. he waves back. so you keep looking through clothes and you find a cute sweater so you try it on. a girl sitting on a bench outside the dressing room speaks up.

girl | that looks so cute on you! you should buy it!

y/n | thanks!

girl | *pulls a sweater out of her cart* i was going to buy one too

y/n | oh haha! what's your name?

girl | my names Charli!

y/n | Hey Charli! i just moved here.

C | oh! it's very nice here. lots of fun! lot of cute boys you know.

y/n | i'm sure

as you say that the cute boy taps Charli on the shoulder.

boy | Charli we have to go! my parents want me home in an hour.

C | for sure. and hey this is y/n, she just moved here

boy | hey, i'm payton

y/n | hey *you smile*

C | well i got to go but do you want to exchange numbers so we can talk!

y/n | yes of course

C | wonderful! i love your phone case! payton, you should give her your number too. she going to want some more people to talk to.

P | yeah sure

they type in their numbers and you check out before heading home with Jacob

You just met two new people! just wait for school to start next chapter!

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