5| The First Kiss

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I massaged my temples as I waited for the Keurig machine to make my coffee. When I woke up this morning, I remembered why I didn't like tequila. The aspirin that Wyatt gave me last night barely did anything. It wasn't his fault. I tended to be a lightweight when it came to hard liquor.

I definitely felt it this morning. I woke up with a pounding headache, grogginess, and a strong urge to call in sick to work. But I pushed that aside and came in anyway. Well, first I had to take an Uber to go pick up my car, then I came to work. After all, I couldn't very well call in sick the day after my boss approved my mysterious days off.

"Come on, machine," I groaned as I waited impatiently. I needed caffeine, and I needed it now.

One other thing that started my morning off unusually, were the missed calls from Logan. I really should have taken his call last night, but I was drunk and I didn't want to say something I would regret. I was still pretty mad at him.

Which is one reason I was glad I ended up meeting Wyatt last night. It was good for me to get out for a little while. Surprisingly, I didn't have a panic attack in the crowded bar. Usually being around that many people would have set me off. I usually said no to social events like that. I guess I really didn't want to be home alone last night.

I shook my thoughts aside. I didn't want to think about that. I also tried not to think about the little moment I had with Wyatt. Well, a moment for me, anyway. I knew he didn't feel that for me, but it just felt so good to have him back here. I didn't realize how much I needed my best friend until he was right in front of me. Because he was right. I didn't have any other friends. Not ones that I could confide to about things like being pissed at my boyfriend.


"Aha!" I exclaimed when the machine was done. I extracted my cup from the machine and added a little extra cream and sugar.

As I walked back to my desk, I took a sip of the delicious coffee and glanced at my watch. Two more hours until lunch time. I was way too hungover to make my lunch this morning, so I was going to probably end up going to the little café across the street.

I needed to talk to Logan at some point today. Not only about what happened yesterday, but about this upcoming trip. I needed to know what the plan was and when we were leaving and coming back. I was completely left in the dark and that was the most frustrating part of it all. Everyone knew about it, but me.

I let out a deep breath as I took my seat at my desk. I needed to get to the long list of depositions that needed to be scheduled for my boss. It was going to take me longer than the two hours before my lunch break.

Just as I took the last sip of my coffee, and scheduled my fifth deposition, my cell phone went off, letting me know I had a text.

Logan: Hey, I tried calling you last night.

Me: Yeah, sorry about that. I went out and had some drinks with Wyatt. I was pretty upset and needed some company.

Me: That's why I didn't answer. I went straight to bed after. Besides, it probably wasn't a good idea to talk when I was drunk.

Logan: Yeah. You're probably right. Can we talk now?

I glanced at the mountain of paperwork on my desk. I honestly didn't have the time right now.

Me: I'm pretty swamped right now.

Logan: Amelia, can I come by on your lunch break? I'd really like to talk about what happened and it's probably better if we do it in person.

Me: Yeah. Meet me at the café across from my office in an hour?

Logan: I'll see you then, babe.

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