Chapter 1 Making it There

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''So tell me again where we are going and why?'' Asked a blue troll with dark blue hair named Branch who was talking to his pretty pink troll girlfriend.

''As I told you guys we got invited to stay a couple week at a haunted mansion by a guy named Mr. Gray and because whoever stays there for the two weeks gets a prize and we are able to bring along a partner.'' Poppy said looking at the invite.

''So we all got the same thing.'' The rock queen Barb said her head on the seat behind Branch and Poppy.

''Yep I believe so right guys?'' Poppy asked the rest of the trolls sitting in the caterbug bus who was being driven by non other then Could Guy.

''You said it.'' A country troll named Delta said.

A few weeks ago Poppy and some of the other tribe leaders, Delta, Barb, and Tresillo, and Prince Darnell, got the same invite and they held a meeting and they could bring someone along with them.

Delta had chosen Hickory to be her partner, Barb chose Riff to be her partner, Prince Darnell chose his brother Cooper to come along, Poppy had chosen Branch, and Tresillo came by himself so Poppy asked DJ to go with them as Tresillo partner.

''Its nice that you came DJ.'' Poppy said looking at her best friend.

''Sure Guy was busy so I came.'' She said smiling and looking at her partner while listening to music.

''So answer me this Tresillo why didn't your partners come with you?'' asked Branch curiously.

''Because I can't just take one besides this isn't there sort of thing.'' He said shrugging sitting down.

''Well what about em K-pop girls?'' asked Hickory.

''I didn't want to have to choose besides if this place is haunted I'm gonna need both arms to run and I can't do that with any of them on me especially Wendi.'' He said shaking his head.

''Well you'll like DJ she is awesome and is a great troll she doesn't get scared easily.'' Poppy said.

''Yeah if anything you'll be hiding behind her.'' Cooper said laughing.

''Well why not its nice to be partnered up with someone who is a fan of Reggaeton.'' He smiled at DJ who looks at him and blushes.

''So when are we gonna get there?'' asked Darnell.

''We will be there in 10 minutes.'' Cloud Guy said.

''So Popsqueak what is the prize if we stay the whole two weeks?'' Barb asked.

''I don't know we have to go and find out.'' Poppy said smiling and snuggling into Branch's side.

''Puke you two aren't gonna be like that the whole trip right?'' Teased Barb.

''Only to annoy you. Branch said grinning.

''Oh leave them alone Barb I find it cute this will test the couple to see if they can handle all of this.'' Hickory said winking at Branch and Poppy.

''What is that supposed to mean?!'' Asked Branch.

''What he means is during these types of movies and stories there is always a couple who are strong at the beginning then they go though a few horrific things and they are tested if not then one of them usually dies to save the other or because they got caught.'' Delta said.

All the trolls looked at her. ''Sounds like my kind of fun!'' Cooper said.

''Nothing is gonna touch or hurt Poppy. Besides its our guy's job to protect you girls.'' He said.

Barb grabbed him by his vest. '' What is that supposed to mean boytoy? Saying us girls can't fend for ourselves?'' She growled at him.

''Ok you two knock it off I'm sure Branch didn't mean that.'' Darnell said.

''Thing is as a guy we have to protect woman its sort of our job and we have to otherwise why would Mr. Gray tell us to bring partners?'' Asked Branch pulling away from Barb.

''Excuse me Mr. I hate snakes.'' DJ said.

''We are here!'' Could Guy said stopping the bug and they all got out. They looked at the creepy mansion it was huge dark and creepy looking even during the day with a few shutters looking ready to come down.

''Wow like from a horror movie.'' Hickory said.

''Well we are all gonna die.'' Branch said sighing and folding his arms.

''Aren't you coming with us Cloud Guy?'' Poppy asked.

''Nope I'm staying close by though in case any of you decide to leave and I can take you back home.'' He said and as they got there stuff they took off.

''Well that was rad.'' Riff said watching.

The group then went up the steps and Poppy went up and knocked on the door.

And here is the first chapter I hope you enjoy. Takes place sometime after Trolls World Tour more to come enjoy.

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