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( betrayal )

- may 15, 2020
"stop, get your damn hands off of me." i yell at the big dude who grabbed me. "zion stop them." "it was you or my family." he says shrugging. "you little piece of shit, how could you." we were in the park, it was late at night around 4 in the morning.

i knew something was fishy when zion decided he had a surprise for me. i end up getting out of the guys grip. i ran to zion and started beating the shit out of him. "i hope you know you're the worst breathing, living thing on this planet." i got pulled off of him. "i am going to kill you."

i slap him one more time before getting dragged away from him. i see him in the distance rubbing his face. "help, help!" i yell. "you can either shut up and we can spare your life, or you can fucking die."

i was having a feeling where something similar happened to me. deja vu. right, that's right. this is how i met zion, something like this.

i get thrown in a van. nope nothing like that. i was expecting someone hot to be in the drivers seat.

"wow, not how i imagined." i say looking at the two headless people. wait headless people. somethings up. blood was flowing my way. "shit, shit, shit." i say trying to not get it on my white tank top.

the two back van doors fly opened. "get out get out." i'm now getting dragged by someone else. "run that way." the guy in the ski mask said, pointing to the direction of the parks main entrance. i start running with my hands still tied behind my back.

i tripped over a tree trunk. "fuck." i ended up rolling my ass the whole way to the gates. "help! help!" i yell. "someone?" "get in the damn car." zion said. "fuck that, i'm going back." "stop playing games, we need to go." "untie my ass."

he pulled the rope really hard till it came off. i rub my wrist. "you little shit, not like that." i say getting in the car. "revenge bitch." he says winking at me. i flip him off before getting in the car.

my wrists were red and burned. "wait so i'm confused. you planned this?" i ask rubbing my wrists. "yes, you really think i'm going to give you to some random ass guy." "uh yea." "don't be fucking stupid, of course i wouldn't. you're my baby, i love you." "yea whatever. you could've told me the plan at least."

we drove into a alleyway, a sushi place on the left and bar on the right. "where we going?" "it's a quicker way to get home." "oh ok." "wait wait no. fuck!" "what what happened?" "we ran out gas." "you're fucking kidding right."

he got out of the car. "you coming or staying?" he asked. "where?" "i'm gunna call the boys." i get out of the car and follow him.

we were standing in front of the alley. thunder strikes. "z, i think it's going to start raining." "yea no shit." drops start falling one by one. "here go in the car." he says handing me the keys. the car was all the way from where we entered which was a long way and it was really dark. "nah i think i'll stay."

i got chills as the rain hit my bare skin harshly. my hair now soaked from the pouring rain. i hugged myself trying to keep myself warm.

zion looks at me and open his arms. "come here." he said. "i'm fine." "you sure?" "no." i say walking toward him. he started rubbing the side of my arm attempting to warm me up.

a car pulled up. "get in fuckers." maggie said rolling down the windows. "and what about the car?" "we're going to get gas for y'all." "can you turn up the heater?" i asked, still cold. the warm air hit my cold body and gave me goosebumps.

we heard a crash. i looked back and saw a white van coming our way. "drive!" i yell. "i think our car is gone." i say looking back at the van that drove out of the alleyway we were just in.

i sat in the middle seat taking up all the warm air. "move, you act like you was the only one in the damn rain." zion says pushing me, trying to dry his hoodie. "yea well does it look like you pissed yourself? no right, so shut the fuck up."

"wait who was the guy that helped me back there?" i asked zion. "pretty sure it was edwin, could've been him, brandon or nick."

"where the fuck are you going?" i ask sammi, who was driving. "i don't fucking know, this my first time doing this shit."

we had no where to go. the van was right behind us and in front was a lake. "he's not stopping." zion says looking back. "jump! jump! jump!" i yell opening the door and jumping out.

"what...the...fuck..." i say as i watch the van drive into the lake. "well there goes another car." maggie says. "fuck. i was not expecting it to go that way." "yea well the dude's psycho." sammi says wiping the dirt off her clothes.

"i'm glad you're safe." she says giving me a hug. i was totally confused, but i gave her a hug back instead of being a bitch. i could tell zion and maggie were confused as well.

"what?" "you're being weird." maggie says. "it's just that guy is or was my step dad depending if he's still alive or not. i hope he's not. he's a complete dick, but anyways i knew or had an idea of what he would do to you." "wait, you knew but couldn't stop it?" zion asked. "it could've been way less work for me." "lazy ass." "i don't talk to my mom anymore. so no, i couldn't stop it."

"cool story and all, but how we going to get home?" it was still pouring rain. "my phone is dead." i say trying to turn it back on. "same here." maggie says lifting her phone up. i look at zion and sammi who are our only luck. "nothing." sammi says. zion just shakes his head.

"can't we go and use the phone somewhere?" "it's 5 in the morning saje, everything is closed." i could tell zion was getting annoyed by his tone. the town we were in was unfamiliar. we start walking towards the beginning of the street. as we were walking we saw a gang jumping someone in an alley. we all looked at each other and ignored it as we continued to walk.

after 30 minutes of just walking around i got sick and tired of just waiting for help. "wait look up there." i say pointing on top of a chinese restaurant that had an apartment on top. in the big window was a couple fighting. "okay and?" maggie asked  "and one of them is going to come out any minute now." 

i was right. a girl with long brown wavy hair, black leather jacket, running mascara and a cigarette in between her lips came out of one of the doors. she was leaning against the door frame under the awning that said the name of the chinese restaurant.

"uh, hi." i say walking up to the girl who looked like she was in her early twenties. she looks at me and exhales the smoke. "yes?" "um me and my friends are lost, do you think we can borrow your phone or something?" "yea sure." she pulls out her phone out of her pocket and hands it to me.

i dial edwins number. "hello?" i hear him say. "yes edwin this is saje, we need you to pick us up." "what happened?" "i'll explain it later, just com-" i got cut off by a man walking out of the door with bags. "i'm leaving." "good, i hope that slut makes you happy, you son of a bitch."

i get back on the phone. "anyways can you come?" "address?" i give him the address of the chinese place and give the phone back to the girl. "i-i'm sorry. just he cheated on me." "oh no it's fine, i completely understand how angry you must be." i say looking back at zion.

"well anyways thank you, for all your help." "yea, no problem. i'm here anytime you need a phone." she laughs. "yea." i say giving her a fake laugh.

at about 6 in the morning, edwin came and picked us up. "about damn time." zion says hopping in the front seat with edwin.

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