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( fight for our lives )

-july 25, 2020
"well. well. well." james stood there with his phone in his hand. on his screen was a live video of chyna who was knocked out. "no!" i yelled. "gimme my baby back." zion said, as his eyes darkened up. "listen here. you're going to do as i say or this will be the last time you see your daughter. i want all your money, this house, everything you own including your girl." "wtf no." i said before a cloth covered my face making me pass out.

zions point of view
"wtf no." i heard saje say. "give me back my fucking daughter." i said putting my hand on my gun that was behind me. "so you're not worried about your girl. that's fine tho she's mine now." he said. i turned to my right to see saje was gone. i furrowed my eyebrows. "saje! saje!" i yelled and got no reply. "don't bother she's knocked out."

"you asshole!" i yell attempting to throwing a punch but fail miserably as he stabbed my hip. i fell to the ground in pain. "you got till tomorrow." he said before walking off. i stayed on the ground with my hand covering my wound.

i got up and winced in pain. each limp hurt more and more. this wasn't anything new though. i went into the bathroom and got the first aid kit. i cleaned it up and then started stitching it up. i grabbed my phone and sent a text to the boys asking them if they'd like to help. they were all down.

about an hour later everyone showed up at the door. "yo!" edwin yelled as he dapped me up. "so what's up?" brandon asked. "here's the thing. saje killed vanessa and james kidnapped her and chyna. so i need your help getting them back. y'all still down?" they nod. "of course." nick said.

sajes point of view
"mommy!" i heard in the distance. i slowly opened my eyes and looked around. "mommy!" i heard chyna yell in front of me. "chyna baby!" i say attempting to get up. "fuck." i say under my breath as i realized i was tied up.

"i'm stuck." i heard her crying. "don't cry baby, you're fine. daddy's coming okay." i could barely see her since there was only one light providing us.

i heard the door open and squinted trying to make out who it was. "ah finally you're awake." "what the fuck do you want from us." i yell. "i already told you what i want, but if your husband doesn't pay up, your lives are on the line."

"you're fucking sick you hear me. SICK!" i yell. he laughed. "i don't give a fuck what you say. either way you're dead. i want zion to feel the same way i do. the agony saje." he said as his laughs got more and more intense. he cupped my face. "you and him are going to suffer." "don't fucking touch me." i said moving my face. "whatever." he said as he pushed my face away. "he has 24 hours." he said before closing the door.

it's been eight hours and still no sign of zion or the boys. "mommy do you think we're going to die." "no baby." i say giving her a smile. "at least you're not." i say under my breath. i was starving, my wrist and ankles were in pain as well as my back. all i could think about was the baby.

zions point of view
"you got in?" i asked edwin as he was the tech guy. "yea look over here." he said pointing to the camera that had saje and chyna ties up to a chair, i suppose they were in the basement. he's a dumbass for even thinking about keeping them in his house. "you ready?" i yelled before clocking my gun, they all nod. i opened the van door and we ran out of the woods trying to get around the house with no one noticing.

"look over there." nick said as he pointed out the two guards at the door. "okay you know what to do." they all nodded and we all went our separate ways. "well look who we have here." james said coming out of no where. i pulled the gun out. "give me back my family lopez." "no can do kuwonu." i put my finger on the trigger. "dont make me do it. i won't hesitate." "go ahead do it, then you'll take your family and think life's all better now. but you'll be wrong. you'll regret this." "BULLSHIT!" i yell.

"oh yea? why don't you try out and see." i put the gun to his chest and pulled it. he yelled in pain. "you'll regret this. i'm telling you." i roll my eyes as i walked away looking for a way to get in. i then went to the back and saw cellar door with chains and a lock on it.

i heard footsteps and i crouched down behind a bush to only find out it was edwin. "yo. do me a favor." i say getting up. "what the fuck bro." he said putting away his gun. "don't do that shit." "sorry. but can you get me the bolt cutters in the van?" "alright." "and hurry." i yelled.

edwin came back a minute later and handed me the bolt cutters. "you think they in there?" "i hope so." i say cutting the chains. after three rows of chains i finally got it open. i open the doors and walked down the wooden latter they had.

"saje!" i yelled as i ran to untie them. "zion no." "no what?" i stop there confused. i felt someone grab my arms "ow ow ow." i say as they kept on pulling them back even more. i tired to fight him off but it really was no use.

sajes point of view
"you guys okay?" zion asked. "really does it look like we're okay." the duck tape was hurting my wrist each time i tired to pull it off. "you should have listened to me." "i know i fucked up." "did you come here alone?" i asked. he shook his head. "nah the boys are up there."

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