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( happy birthday )

- june 29, 2020
"so what we doing tonight?" i asked as i looked out the window of his room. "ion know. i mean i'm not bout to party with my fucking family, our friends are all over the country and i don't even have my daughter with me." "aw baby." i said getting up from the rolling chair. he was laying on the bed and i decided to lay on top of him.

after a few minutes of silence he said, "i'm sorry i ever got you involved in my life. i'm sorry i didn't just let you be free. i'm sorry you probably don't have the life you want."

everything he said made me mad because it wasn't true. i got up from his chest. "really caleb?" he looked me in my eyes. his eyes were getting watery. "listen to me. i'm grateful that you came into my life, without you who knows what's would have happened to me. without you i wouldn't have a beautiful daughter. without you i wouldn't have known what love truly is. and yea you're right this may not have been the life i wanted but as long as i'm here with you that's all that matters."

after us just looking in each other's eyes i broke contact. "anyways enough with this lovey dovey shit, today your birthday and we are going to have the time of our fucking life you hear me." he laughed. "i get to pick what we're doing." he said with a smile. i playfully rolled my eyes and laughed.

it was 2 something in the morning and we sat there talking and smoking a blunt. enjoying each other's company. "bro i'm so uncomfortable. move your keys. wait you're not wearing jeans." he laughed. "damn, you really just realized that." "look, i'm pretty sure you just got hard." "well it is my birthday so-" "yea yea i know what you want." i say rolling my eyes. i grab my hair and put it in a bun and proceed to give him head.

a knock on the door woke me up. i look at zion who was still sleeping. the sunlight that peaked through the curtains hit my eyes making me squint. there was another knock and i got up and opened the door. elom stood in front of the door. "i was told to come wake you guys up." "what time is it?" i asked trying to look at the time. "12. plus we got a lil surprise for z." i nod. "okay i'll wake him up. we'll be there in a minute." i say closing the door behind me.

still tired i slowly shuffle my feet. "zion." i whisper. no answer. i push him and call his name again. "what." his raspy voice said while rubbing his eyes. "they want you do stairs." i say, throwing myself on the bed and getting under the covers again to go back to sleep. he doesn't get up and goes back to sleep.

"this bitch." i say under my breath. "caleb you better get up. they got a surprise for you." "look ma, i'm tired. they can wait." "alright." i say getting comfortable in his arms.

"these motherfuckers." i heard a familiar voice say. me and zion looked at each other with confused looks. "if they don't wanna wake up, i'll just do it." "they had a long night." elom said. "not surprised a girl voice says. a group of people then start laughing.

"they're here!" i said getting up and running to the door. i open it and she a group of my favorite people. izzy, edwin, brandon, maggie, austin, ansley, nick and you get the point. "hi." i yell as we all had a group hug. i crack open the door to see zion putting on his sweatpants.

the door opened from behind me and there zion stood. "aye!" "it's the birthday boy." he dapped up the boys and we all just talked and caught up.

"girl who's that?" izzy says pointing to the girl getting to close and touchy with zion. "i don't know. how'd she even get in here?" i asked.

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