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( family )

- may 21, 2020
"zion!" the blonde lady yelled running towards him bringing him in for a hug. "hi mom." "what are you doing here?" "we kinda had to leave." "we?" she says looking towards me. "and you must be saje." "hi." i say as she brings me into a hug. "i've heard so much about you. i'm mandy." "nice to meet you."

"everyone else is inside. oh and z, nana is here, be good." she's says before walking back into the house all excited. "she seems nice." i say laughing. "no shit, she's my mom." "oh so what you're trying to hint at is you're nice? yea okay." "i was nice enough not to kill your ass, remember that." "aren't you glad you didn't." "sometimes i wish i did." he says under his breath. i hit him, "zion." "i'm just kidding damn." he says laughing.

after grabbing our bags we walked in and immediately everyone came running to him, giving him hugs and shit. i just stood back and watched everyone. "come here." zion says wrapping his arm around me.

"guys, this is saje. my girlfriend, possibly soon to be wife if she stops being a bitch." "caleb!" mandy yelled at him. "i'm kidding, she's a sweetheart. very stubborn but a sweetheart." "saje, this is my grandma, my dad, my mom even though you met her already, kekeli and elom." he says pointing them all out to me.

"where's chyna?" mandy asked. that's right i forgot about my own damn daughter. i would call my mom to check in on her but she'd do whatever she can to get me in jail. "mom!" "chyna?" kekeli said. i'm guessing zion only told his mom about her but that's besides the point, my damn daughter is in a whole nother country.

"who's chyna?" his grandma asked. "my daughter." everyone started yelling in excitement. "how old is she?" kekeli asked "3." he answered. "bro you wasn't going to tell me?" elom said. "can we see a picture?" he pulled out his phone and showed them this picture.

"omg she so adorable

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"omg she so adorable." "when do we get to meet her?" "uh when we bring her." "how long you staying for?" "for a long time." they continued to ask questions and he continued to answer them.

"zion, when are we going to go get chyna?" i asked as i was laying on the bed. "i don't know maybe in a couple of months." "a couple months? i'm not waiting a couple months. that's my damn daughter." i say getting a little louder. "shhh shhh shhhh, keep it down." "i'm sorry." "saje, they want us. we can't go back no time soon." "then we can change our hair. you can dye your dreads back to brown and i'll dye and cut my hair." "still how would we get her? she's with your mom." 

"how are you so calm about this?" "she's with your mother. saje she is fine." "okay but what if my mom starts putting shit in her head saying we don't love her because we left. that's what she did to me with my dad." "then she's fucked up for that, but we're going to get her. don't know how but we will no matter what we have to do."

"saje, she's fine. she always stays over there anyways." he says opening his arms. i wrap my arms around his torso and put my ear to his chest listening to his heart beating. "yea but she's pissed at us. she's not going to give her up that easily." "she kinda has to, that's not her child."

"yea but then if she doesn't. we're going to have to go to court and we can't do that." "don't worry about it, we'll figure something out, but get ready they wanna bring us out to dinner." he says opening the door leaving his room."

i put on a black long sleeve body suit with pink bell bottom jean and my air forces. i sat on the bed waiting for zion to be done. "okay, c'mon let's go." he said putting a hand out for me to grab. i grab it and he pulls me up. "oh and please don't say anything bad." "we'll see." "no saje i'm being for real. my grandma is coming." "okay, okay." i sigh.

"so how'd you guys meet?" his grandma asked as the waiter walked away. i looked at him, "you wanna tell her?" i say laughing. i knew he was going to come up with a story. "uh so," he says as he starts playing with his dreads. "we, well she was was going on a run in the park and i happened to be sitting on the bench. you know what long story short, we met at the park, i thought she was cute and asked her out."

"aw that's cute." kekeli said. "very believable." elom said in a sarcastic tone. "yea well you don't want to know the real way i met her." zions tone getting more aggressive. "okay okay calm down, we're in a restaurant." his mom said.

i was minding my business eating my pasta while they were talking. "hey saje, where are you from?" "hm?" i say swallowing my food. "oh, i'm from puerto rico, jamaica and albania. it's a weird combo." "it's different, i like it." kekeli says. "thank you."

"so how long you guys been together?" his dad asked. i wasn't really paying attention and neither was zion. it took me a couple seconds to realize they were talking to me. "oh i'm sorry, um 4 years." "really 4 years you guys aren't married." "yea i'm still waiting for a ring caleb." i say leaning into his shoulder. "well then you're going to be waiting for a while."

"zion, can't you see, she wants to get married." his mom said. "oh no no no. well i do but not right now. i mean i'm in no rush." i say giving an awkward laugh. "mom stop jumping to conclusions." zion said. "i'm sorry my family is a little out of pocket."he whispers. "no it's fine, i like them." i say giving him a small smile.

after the long dinner, we were back to the house. so many questions were asked in the car ride back, it's not even funny. i pulled out my phone from my purse and decided to facetime my mom.

it rang for a while, "hello?" "saje marie garioni get your ass back over here." "we'll it's a little to late for that, how's chyna?" "where are you?" "don't worry about it. where  is chyna?" "she's playing, come pick her up she's been crying for you." "i can't do that at the moment." "i won't turn you in, just come get your damn daughter." "see something happened and we are no longer in LA." "where are you?" "in uh, new york."

"really you left the state." "sure?" "you're lying." "im not. why would i lie to you, i would never." except i was. zion walked back in the room and gave me a confused look. "well when are you coming back cause she misses you guys." i looked at zion and he shrugged. "i don't know, i'll let you know when."

"can i see her?" "here you go, mommy wants to talk to you." "come here." i patting the empty spot on the bed. "hi." i say in a high voice. "hi mommy, hi daddy." "hi baby, we miss you." zion says. "where are you?" "we're somewhere, but that's not important." "yea we're trying to settle down, so you can come live with us. you'll like it." zion says, i see a little smile appearing on his face which made me smile.

after 10 minutes talking to chyna we hung up since it was getting later. i put my head on zions shoulder and let out a deep breath. "i miss her, z." "i know baby. i do too."

we got changed and ended up watching netflix till we fell asleep.

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