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( honeymoon inn )

- song: into you- ariana grande (optional)

- may 16, 2020
"saje, baby wake up." zion says shaking me. "what." i say opening my eyes, the sun peeking trough the curtains blinding me. "i have something i gotta do. wanna come?" "what time is it?" "2pm." "omg zion, chyna." "don't worry about anything i got her ready and your mom came to pick her up."

"wait she came here?" "yes, everyone was in their rooms don't worry about it. so anyways you coming?" "yes, lemme just go get ready."

i go to the bathroom, and put my hair up in a bun. i start brushing my teeth, and then stripped naked and hopped in the shower. afterwards i put a towel around my body and washed my face. i put on one of zions white hoodies, gray sweats i got from urban and slip on my moccasins. before i rushed down the stairs i opened up the shades and curtains and made the bed. i turn off the light before leaving the empty room.

"you ready?" zion asked. "look don't even start i didn't take that long, plus i could've been here 3 minutes earlier if you made the bed and shit." "since when the fuck did you start caring about our room." "since melissa died." "she died like a month ago." "yea and the house has been messy ever since. tell me i'm wrong." "i mean you're not. they are fucking pigs." "and so are you, so shut up." i say before locking the door behind me.

"here put this on." he said giving me a black bandanna. "what the fuck, you gunna kill me?" "shut up and put the shit on." i rolled my eyes and put the bandanna on.

the truck came to a stop. "z?" "what?" "can i take it off now?" "no. i gotta go somewhere real quick. if you take of the bandanna they surprise won't be fun." "what the fuck you sound so fucking weird right now." "nah i actually do have a surprise, just promise not to take it off." i sigh, "fine, but be back fast."

after about 10 minutes the door opened. "zion?" "wait, gimme your hand." "if it's a snake, i'm going to karate chop your ass. i'm not playing games with you." i say giving him my hand. "now take a step down." "you know damn well imma fall off this high ass truck."

he sighs and i felt arms around me. my feet meeting the ground a second later. "take it off." i take the shit off my eyes. a motor-fucking-cycle. i just stood there. what the fuck was i supposed to do with that shit. "it's a motorcycle." zion said. "yea no shit."

"i remembered the dream you had and i want it to come true today or tonight." "what do you mean?" "i got us a room at "honeymoon inn." just like your dream." "zion you know that's not a real place right." i say laughing. "yea no shit saje. just get on the damn motorcycle, imma bring you somewhere." he says handing me a helmet as he sat on the bike.

after an hour of grabbing zion, i finally got bored. "z, are we there yet?" "should be. any minute now."

"we are here." zion says as the bike comes to a complete stop. "omg you didn't. zion." i say hitting him in pure happiness. "look i even got them to change the sign like in the video." "wait how'd you know about the video?" "saje you watch the damn video all the time and all you do is sing into you, so i put the pieces together. plus your dream was oddly similar to the video." "omg." i say giving him a hug.

"wait, the rooms?" "go in." he throws me the keys and i instantly open it. "no way." it was just how it was in into you. the bed, the pink lights, everything. "how'd you do this?" "i have my ways."

the sun started setting. we sat by the honeymoon inn sign with drinks in our hands. "why'd you do this for me?" "to show you how much you matter to me, even after everything you deserve this." "z, really. you didn't have to." "yea well i want you to be happy and i know we fight way to much but i just wanted to show you how much i love you." i stared into his big brown eyes. "i love you too." "oh and also because we didn't celebrate mother's day cause that was the day you came back and i didn't know if you wanted to do anything."

he grabbed my chin and lightly pulled my face closer to his. i connect our lips. i got on top of him and felt hands grabbing my ass. soon after zion started kissing and sucking on my neck leaving hickeys, i threw my head back in pleasure.

a car that drove by honked, which scared me and caused me to jumping. "omg." i say laughing. the street lights turned on and i got up from his lap. "where you going?" "i'm getting up from this dirty ass floor. come here." i say giving him a hand to help him up. i wipe my pants trying to get the dirt off of me since this was the only clothes i had.

while zion was walking to the room, i ran up behind him and jumped on his back. "yo." he said grabbing me before i can fall. he started spinning around, "zion stop you're going to make us fall." i say, screaming and laughing. he put me down on the freezer and went into the room to get something.

i stood up on the freezer and started singing into you. zion comes walking out of the room with a bottle of alcohol. "shut the fuck up. you're so damn annoying." "make me bitch." "get your ass down here." i ignore him and keep singing. "so baby, come light me up and baby i'll let you on it." he tried grabbing my legs but a kept dodging it. "ahhh stop." i say laughing as he grabbed my ankle.

i sat on the edge of the freezer. "ou gimme, gimme." i say asking for the bottle. he gives me the bottle, i take of the lid and start chugging it. "aye yo chill." he says grabbing the bottle out of my hand. "nah give it back, i'm tryna get fucked up." "and this is why i don't bring your ass anywhere." "shut up and get me down." i say putting my hands out for him to bring me down the tall ice freezer.

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