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( marry me? )

-september 27, 2020
"can i get everyone's attention please?" i heard zion say through the mic. i looked at the same direction everyone else was facing. "as most of you may already know, well i hope all of you, i'm sajes boyfriend, zion. i just want to start off by saying happy birthday to the love of my life." he said looking directly at me as i gave him a smile from a far. "matter a fact saje come up here." i looked around as everyone started cheering. coco started pushing me into the middle.

he put his arms around me and continued to talk. "stop i don't like the attention." i mumbled but i guess everyone heard because people started laughing. my face turned red as i buried my face into his shoulder.

he left go of me and got down on one knee. my eyes started to get watery. i gasped as he pulled a box from his pocket. everyone started cheering and clapping. "saje marie garioni, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" he pulled the mic away from his face and pointed to mine. i nod, "yes the fuck i will." i say as he got up and put the ring on my finger.

"i'm only saying yes cause of the ring." i said as i joke. half of the crowd gasped. "she's joking." edwin yelled, that's when i remembered the only ones who know how our relationship is, is the our little group. "right i'm sorry i forgot. i love him guys, we have a weird ass relationship." zion just laughed and pulled him in for a kiss.

he turned off the mic and the music continued to play. "thank you." i said as he wiped away my tears. "no thank you." i was so in love with this man. everything about him had me in awe over him. i really want to spend my life with him. he's the one. the one i wanna grow old with. the one i wanna be with 24/7. the one who puts my planet in orbit. tehe see what i did there😉. and i know we have our ups and downs but with out that what would we learn.

"what you thinking about up there?" zion asked bringing me out of my thoughts. "nothing just our wedding and how we're gunna have one more baby girl before i turn 40 and-" "you're already thinking about having another one, you still got one baking in there." i laughed. "you're so stupid." i say slapping his shoulder. "and yea but not right after like when i'm 39." he let out a little chuckle, "god i love you. love you, little man in there and my princess over there." he said pointing to chyna who was playing in the dirt with my little step brother. "fuck now she's dirty." i said.

the rest of the party was amazing. i can tell everyone was having an amazing time. i partied till like midnight while everyone else was there till like 3. i put chyna to take a bath and then put her to sleep. i took a shower and laid in bed watching i little bit of tv before going to sleep. i know it was my own party and i should be having fun but being pregnant is not easy.

this chapter was short only because i'm trying to finish this story so i can start a new one. how has it been so far? lemme know. but i love you guys and thank you all for the support:)<3

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