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Sungjae's POV

That night I had a dream.

I was standing in the middle of the road, infront of me is the building where I was studying back in college. Then I saw my face, void of any emotion. Aside from the leaves of the trees, everything is black and white while the leaves where yellow and orange in color giving a warm feeling.

I wonder why. Eveything is so dull but those leaves. Then I realized, the color represented me, dull and lifeless. Even before things were not like now, I was still the same, unmoving, unchanging.

If those leaves change, will I too? I'm stuck in the middle with no chance of changing.

Perhaps I am-

Suddenly I saw a girl standing in front of me, smiling widely but it was only her smile that I can see.

And as she lightly smile, everything around her started to have colors too.

And then I woke up.

I looked  around the room, though I'm not good with chores, I try to keep the room tidy. Aside from the necessary appliances, there's nothing worth mentioning for so I won't even bother to describe my lowly home.

I took my outdated phone and saw that it was only 4:45 in the morning. Even if my eyes is drowsy, my mind is fully awake already so I directly took a quick shower since it was very cold while the water is boiling by the kitchen.

Today is saturday, I'll be carrying those boxes at the storage again after that I'll go to the restaurant.

I hurriedly went at the back of the mall and lined up for the boxes. After two hours, I got the money and left with my beloved girlfriend a.k.a my scooter.

*brr.... Tug... Tug... *


My girlfriend broke down. I'm just kilometers away from the restaurant. I have no choice but to push it towards the repair shop. I checked my phone and I still have an hour before my shift.

The repair man said that there's a part needed to be replaced so it will take atleast 3 to 4 days since it also needs some maintenance or else it will break down again. I asked for a hefty price since I didn't know its on the verge of breaking down, I had no money. I'm glad that he understood my dillema.

I immediately ran towards the restaurant since it will be faster than taking the bus. When I arrived, I was panting so hard feeling out breath.

I calmed myself down before I went inside but saw that the place was cramped and noisy. There are mostly elder people around clapping to the sound of music, on the center are bunch of people dancing as well.

I walked towards the manager who was looking at the people dancing. He was smiling genuinely.

"You're here Sungjae-ya?" He said not looking at his way.

"Was there an occasion manager nim? I did not saw it on the board though." There's a black board in their office where they write reservations.

"Oh, they were around in the area. Must be tourists from the Seoul, they happened to eat here and things just ended like that. It's fine though, since Sooyoung looks like she's having fun."

I turned my head towards the people dancing and saw that Sooyoung is in the middle dancing with an old man. She's smiling and laughing at the same time while dancing around and clapping to the sound of music. Her red hair which is tied behind her stood among the crowd. It made her even more lively.

An old man noticed me standing beside the manager. He hastily walked towards me and grabbed my wrist.

"Young man, dance with the young lady."

"Eh? Me?" I kept on pointing myself. "I'm sorry but I don't know how to d-"

Even before I could finish what I wanted to say, I didn't notice Sooyoung dancing her way to me, taking my hand from the old man.

"Come on! Why are you so stiff? Just go with the flow." Sooyoung dance as if showing me what to do.

I scratched my head and looked around awkwardly but the elders kept on urging me.

"Go on, go on"
"Just follow her lead"
"Sway your body to the music"

I sighed watching Sooyoung dance. I clapped and danced awkwardly making the elders laugh, their really making fun of me. Whatever, It's not like I can refuse those older than me.

Then Sooyoung reached her arms towards me, taking my hands in hers while jumping.

"Follow my lead."

"Eoh? Oh..."

I had no choice but to look at her. I didn't notice but I just end watching her every move to the point of looking at her facial expressions.

Her eyes are wrinkled because she's smiling so hard and her smile is so wide that even her gums are showing. It was engraved in my mind.

In the end, maybe because of the people laughing around or maybe because of her laughter, It was later when I finally noticed.

I found myself laughing too.

When Autumn Leaves [SungJoy]Where stories live. Discover now