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After two months...

The doctor said that Yeri is showing some signs of improvement saying that it might not be long before she finally wakes up.

After praying so many times, God finally heard my prayers.

I'm really happy for the glimmer of hope that I can finally see.

Since it was the weekend I'm at the hospital as always during lunch time, I went to the nearest convenient store. I sat in the corner and started to eat the food I bought, it's not ramen today but kimbap instead.

I looked down the chair beside me and remembered Sooyoung.

I wonder how she's doing, we never really contacted each other. I mean- what for? I admit I like her but not to that extent BUT sending me a text won't hurt her right?


I feel like a crazy fool over my puppy love.

She's the one that crosses my mind whenever I go to a convenient store, when I ride my bike, when I look at things that are red in color and sometimes I unknowingly stop by the riverside where we had a drink and talk.

I wanted to send her a text but I held myself back because nothing will come out of me sending her text messages.

I sighed... Good going Yook Sungjae, your sister is in coma but here you are thinking of your crush. I scolded myself.

I'll forget my feelings for her eventually, it's alright.

When I'm done eating, I walked my way to the hospital. I was about to enter when I saw my manager coming out of the hospital holding a piece of paper.


He looked at my way and was surprised to see me.

"Yook Sungjae, what are you doing here?"

"My sister is admitted here, you sir?"

"Ah, my niece is sick so I took her prescription myself."

"Niece... Do you mean Sooyoung sir?"

"Yeah, but she's fine now. I just don't want her going around without someone accompanying her so I came here myself."

"Really? I'm glad to hear that." I thought it was something serious, I'm glad that she's fine now.

"Then I'm going. See you tomorrow."


When I reached Yeri's room, I took my phone out of my pocket and looked for Sooyoung's number in my contacts.

I hesitated at first before pressing her number.

Putting my phone over my ear, I bit my nails waiting for her to pick up my call.

She picked up on the third ring.

"Yeoboseyo? Sungjae-a, why did you call?"

Now that I can talk to her I forgot what I was going to say.

"Oh, uhm your uncle, the manager, we saw each other in front of the hospital... He said you were sick." I said informing her.

"Oh... That? I'm fine now."

"I'm glad."

"Where were you by the way?"

"At the convenient store. I ate there."

"Hey, don't just eat food bought in convenient store, have some home cooked as well."

"I know, I know geez... You sure can nag."

It's been awhile since I heard her laugh, it made me smile.

I peaked at Yeri and saw Irene noona tending on her side.

I leaned on the wall and looked up thinking of what to say.

"Is there anything else? You must be working right? I'll hang up now."

I was alarmed when she said that she'll hang up, I stood straight, wrecking my brain on what to say. I gripped my hair, maybe it will help me get an idea.

"Wait- uhh, that- Are you available tonight?" I closed my eyes after I said that, anxious of her answer.

"Tonight? I'm free, wae?"

I cleared my throat before I replied taking every courage that I get, "Can we meet?"

When Autumn Leaves [SungJoy]Where stories live. Discover now