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Last Chapter :)

Sooyoung's POV

Whenever I forget things, I feel like a lost child. Sometimes I panic, who wouldn't be? I feel like a blank sheet of paper each time I lost my memory. So I decided to write things. Who I am, my family, close friends, what my disease is, and what I should do. I also write my journal whenever I can. I already planned it all but only one thing, I don't know what to tell him, now that he knows.

I'm still in the hospital since my condition is getting worse. It's Autumn already, ahh... how nice would it be to walk around those trees. Would I still know the name of the seasons? the name of colors? probably not, instead of knowing names, I'd probably feel instead, the coldness of winter and the warmth of summer, that's how I'd probably think of the seasons. 

I turned my head when the door opened, Sungjae went inside looking down on the piece of paper.

"Medication again?" I asked as soon as he was on her side.

He nodded, his eyes puffy and red from crying. Its been a week since he knew my condition but he can't help but cry in front of me every time we're alone. I told him not to hold it in and let it all out, at least I know his condition and be able to give him solace though I'm the cause of his misery. What should I do? I pushed him away already but he wouldn't budge.

I smiled, "Sucks, right?"

He shakes his head.

I took his hand in mine and stared at him, giving him the brightest smile that I can give to him.

"It's time don't you think?" I caressed his hand, "Let's talk now, hm?" He can't always avoid the topic. Not when my condition is getting worse.

"Talk what?"

"About us?" I answered his question with a question.

"Okay." Sungjae finally said. He sat down next to me on the bed, clasping both hands with mine.

We both stared at each other waiting for someone to talk.

"Aren't you scared?" was the first thing he asked looking down on our hands, scared to look at my eyes.

"Scared? A bit."

"Why do you act like it's nothing?"

I smiled at him though he still doesn't look up.

"I already cried my eyes out, blood would come out of it if I didn't stop. I screamed at the top of my lungs that it hurts for a week and I also thought of ending my life when I know I will forget eventually." He looked up and saw the tenderness in my eyes, I continued, "But I realized that life is too wonderful to give up on so I continued living. I also came to understand my disease. To live as if its my last and just be free." I palmed his cheek and traced it with my thumb.

He stared at me, eyes welling up again, with a hoarse voice he said, " What about me? "

I smiled even wider.

He frowned,"Why are you always smiling? Do you find this funny?"

I shake my head, smile still visible on my face. Instead of giving him an answer, I inched closer to him and kissed him. He didn't respond at first but when I bit and licked his lower lip, he then opened his mouth and dominated the kiss, pushing me  to the bed as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

His kiss is intense as if he intend to make me remind of my whole being, my moans are covered with his kisses, I feel like I'm being drowned.

This continued for I don't know how many seconds or even minutes that when our lips parted, my lips is already red and very much swollen.

Our foreheads are touching each other as we gasped for air.

I took a deep breathe and smiled at him once again.

"Yook Sungjae, this time. I'm really letting you go."


Next is epilogue :) thank you guys for reading!  ^^

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