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Sungjae's POV

My mind went blank, not comprehending what I just heard.


"... I said let's break up, Yook Sungjae..."

"Park Sooyoung, where are you?" I took my wallet and jacket, hurriedly putting on my shoes without letting go of my phone.

I ran outside hailing a taxi, still not ending the call.

"...Don't come here. Don't call me again."

I gripped my phone tighter, clenching my jaw.

"Answer me Park Sooyoung. I'm on my way there."

She exclaimed. "NO! You can't! Don't come here!"

"PARK SOOYOUNG! I'm asking you..." I said to the point of anger.

"Yook Sungjae please... Don't come here."

"Why? Give me a valid why I shouldn't see you."

It feels as if she's breathing hard to control her emotion. "...I don't like you anymore."

The anger I felt turned into tears, leaving my mouth hanging open from what she said. I feel my heart torn into pieces. Her smile, her laughter and her eyes flashed through my vivid eyes.


"... I don't like being with you anymore so please, don't come. I don't want to see you anymore."

My tears continued to rolled down from her hurtful words that is piercing my heart. I don't care what the driver thinks.

"Turn over please."

The driver looked at me through the rearview mirror before he pulled over, I handed him the money then I went out. By chance, I happened to get off on a place filled with trees whose leaves are starting to turn yellow and orange.

I calmed myself down. "Are you sure?" Please say no. Tell me you want me to hold on to you, despite her harsh words, I can forgive her.

"... Yes" she said silently but I heard it loudly rather than the noise on the street.

"Park Sooyoung..."

"Yook Sungjae... We dated only for how many months and most of them we were not together because you are away, it's not too late to forget me. I'll do the same as well. Goodbye-"

"That's it? THAT'S IT?!" I felt anger rise up inside me. How can she say goodbye so casually? "What about my feelings? What about our memories? YOU THINK I CAN FORGET THEM EASILY?! You can't do this to me! After making me fall hard in love in you like this you're going to dump me? Park Sooyoung, you're so evil. Have you been playing with me all this time? Is my feelings just an entertainment for you? "

"Goodbye Yook Sungjae." she said hurriedly not even saying about what I just said then hanged up.

I am so angry I threw my phone to a branch of the tree and now its in pieces.

I wanted to scream but held myself back by gripping my hair. My heart feels empty as if a piece was taken from it.

How can this happen? How can she say  forget her? How can I? When she's my saving grace... She made me feel again, reminding me that I am still a human filled with so much emotion.


I bought a new phone that day, I was muddle headed but now my mind is clear. I planned to go back and look for her but not today but next week, I'll just finish all the school works and submit them.

I'm still angry but I want to hear it infront of her, I can't have a peace of mind like this.

"I have to go." As soon as the class ended. I took my bag and hang it on my shoulder, leaving Peniel and Changsub behind.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"To Sooyoung." I answered without explaining leaving for the train.

I don't have anything with me except for my wallet and my bag. And I hope I won't have to sleep there but I will if I have to.

As soon as I arrive, I directly went to her uncle's restaurant. I was surprised when I saw him inside his office no, surprised would be understatement, I was shocked when I saw him, he looks thin to the bones and there are dark circles around his eyes.

I was still huffing still staring at him when he noticed me, his eyes panicked and his mouth slightly ajar.

"Manager... What happened to you?"

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the City?"

I gasped for air then answered, "Sooyoung and I have something to sort out so I came, I wanted to ask you if she's at home?"

Manager looked away. "She's not there, she's at the hospital."

For the second time that day, I feel like I was deaf when he answered me, then it dawn on me what he mean, his expression and Sooyoung's behavior on the phone gave me a vague idea of what's going on, I couldn't help but ask again.

" W-what... What did you say?"

"Sungjae-ya, Sooyoung is sick. Really sick."

My world crumbled down.

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