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I'm sorry in advance :) and I'm sorry for the wrong grammar and typos as well , I did not read the entire chapter, I'll edit it next time.



Sungjae's POV

New semester came, I went back to studying while still working as a part timer.

Right. Sooyoung's birthday is just a month away, I haven't thought of a birthday gift yet. My money won't be enough though. She wants something else but I still want to give her something she can hold on to.

I am studying while thinking of a suitable gift for her when my eyes landed on the business card that was given to me months ago.

The man's voice echoed inside my head.
"... I'll be waiting."

Oh man. Can I really do this? I don't even know a thing about being a model moreover being an actor! But it's Sooyoung. Think of her Yook Sungjae.

I locked my lips between my teeth deciding what to do.

I dialed the number while tapping my table impatiently. He might not even answer. But better try than not, right?

A few more rings before the call came through, "Hello?"

"Oh.. Hello, this is Yook Sungjae. You gave me your business card."

"Oh, the straightforward guy? Have you decided finally?"

"Does your offer still stand?"

"Of course. I was even thinking you'll call me one year later." He chuckled.

I don't how to respond with his statement so I just said, "Oh."

"Are you free tomorrow? Come by at the office."

"...Before that, I have a request."

"Say it."

I'm not planning on going in the entertainment world for good. I'll just work for weeks then leave. I can feel that it's not really for me but maybe it can help me earn some money for Sooyoung so I want to try.



September 3, 20**

Sooyoung and I haven't contacted each other for over a month, mainly because I was also busy but I do sent her messages from time to time, she also said that she's busy as well and that was her last reply to me.

Working as a part time model, I was able to earn much more than I expected but I decided already that I'm only going to do it for a month, the staffs were nice to me though so I treat them to a dinner after our last shoot. They had to accomodate me and taught me lot of things since I'm just a beginner, the photographer even said that I'm a natural which is hard to believe, he didn't believe it was my first time.

Hell he wouldn't, I stared at those magazines till my eyes bleed.

Because it's the end of the contract, I couldn't help but recall the first time I met the CEO.

The next day after the phone call, I went to that man's office, it was awkward when we finally had to face with each other. I even questioned him why he's willing to sign me a contract. But his only reply was, "I see something in you." and he didn't elaborate anymore and I just accepted that even though I was itching to find out what he saw in me.

"I'll agree to your terms if you tell me why you finally called me."

Is it alright if I tell him this? Oh well, I've already come to this point, why bother hiding it from him?

"It's my girlfriend, her birthday is next month. I want to give her a surprise." I said directly to the point.

The man had his finger on his chin nodding, "Oh... So you have a girlfriend I thought that with your personality no woman could stand you but it seems I'm mistaken. But then... Guys like you attracts women so it's all good."

I don't know if he's complimenting me or mocking me.

"Why? Is it against your company's policy?"

"Yes but since you're only going to do this for a month, it's okay, we'll just change the contract."

"Okay. When am I going to start?"

"Next week. For now you'll have training session when you're free."

I was dumfounded, training for just week? Considering the days it's understandble. Guess I'll have to quit with my work at the convenient store.

Now I'm calling Sooyoung to greet her a happy birthday and tell her a surprise. The gift I sent to her should arrived by now.

"Park Sooyoung Hap-"

"Yook Sungjae."

"Huh?" Why did she cut me off with a serious tone? "Sooyoung-a, what's wrong? Is everything okay? Are you alright?"

She was silent on the other end, rustles can be heard but her steady breathing had me confused and nervous.

This ominous feeling that I get from her is giving me lots of ideas but I did not speak again.

I heard her breathe heavily before speaking in a low but steady voice,

"Let's break up"

When Autumn Leaves [SungJoy]Where stories live. Discover now