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Sungjae's POV

One month passed and everything is still the same as well with my sister's condition . Christmas and New Year passed by quickly though, nothing particular happened, we had a party at the restaurant on the 23rd and even Naeun, the girl that I'm teaching gave me a gift, it was a muffler, I gladly took it so as not to embarass the kid. On the 25th and new year I celebrated it at Yeri's side.

Then January came, I was sorting Yeri's hospital bills when I saw Sooyoung passed by in a hurry, she didn't saw me as my face is being hidden by my scarf.

I don't know if what I saw is wrong but she looks completely serious, no smile evident on her face and her eyes were sharp. She's like a different person. After working with her for over two months already, I never saw her frown even once.

Curiosity got the best of me, I followed her.

She went inside a pharmacy just inside the hospital so I waited till she came out and was shocked when she saw me standing there. She clutched her chest.

"What the- You surprised me!" She looks taken aback but now it's like she's back to normal.

Maybe I was hallucinating earlier.

I put my hands inside my pockets. "What are you doing here? Are you sick?"

"Oh this?" She asked showing bunch of medicines. She smiled widely "I'm helping a friend."

Really this woman... Clearly have too much time in her hands.

She put the medicine inside her backpack then gave her full attention to him.

She then asked with eyes full of curiosity, "How about you? Why are you here?"

"Someone I know is here."

She nodded, understanding. Not asking even further. "Are you busy?"

"Is that even a question?" today is Sunday, I have a work at a convenient store near the hospital.

Sooyoung shrugged letting out a chuckle. "No harm in trying right?" she glanced on her watch before she looked up to him. "It's past twelve, why don't we eat first before you go to work? My treat."

"I told you-"

"Yeah, yeah. You don't want to feel indebted to anyone but you just can't refuse a person who sincerely wants to treat you, that's rude."

I cant argue with that. But what she said is right, I'm not forcing her to treat me anyway. She's just probably bored and have no one to eat with her right now.

"If that's the case, can I choose the place?"

Sooyoung's face lit up, she nodded many times like a kid.

I lead the way, when we arrive, she looks quite disappointed.

"Seriously? Your taste sure is tacky." She said observing the convenient store.

"Just by me a cup of noodles. That's enough for me. Besides, my shift starts at two so it saves me time."

Sooyoung rolled her eyes at my practicality but smile nonetheless. She went ahead of me and chose the noodles herself. She even took a ready made kimchi and drinks.

We sat facing the glass side by side and ate our food in silence.

It's a sight to see them together, one is slowly savoring her noodles while the other looks like he's being chased by thousand horses, he just breathed then the noodles is gone in an instant.

Sooyoung was shocked to see me finally drinking my water when her noodles haven't gone half yet.

For me, eating feels like a waste of time so I always eat in a hurry.

"Were you full? You can have another one. It's only 1 o'clock."

I wiped my mouth using the back of my hand. "No, it's fine."

"When was the last time you ate a proper meal?"

I stared ahead, thinking. "I don't remember."

She looked at me with disbelief. "You don't know? Have you just been eating instant noodles all this time?"

"Not really, whenever I can set some money aside, I buy vegetables and fish to cook for myself." But it's only seldom since I can't bear to eat when my sister is at the hospital.

She stared at me, not the pity-look but as if she's wondering what to do with me.

" Stop thinking about it. I look at myself pretty well."

She bit the inside of her cheek and continued eating her food. While waiting for my shift, I took a book from my bag and started to read.

Before I quit school, I was a liberal arts student. I had nothing that I think I would do so I took the course for fun, its not bad though. Originally, I wanted to become a doctor but didn't pursue.

Sooyoung took a peek on what I'm reading but didn't say a word.

"Liberal arts huh... Far from your face." she giggled.

I glanced at her, since they are at the topic, I asked out of nowhere. "What about you? Why aren't you at school when you are well-off?" Instead of studying, she's working in her uncle's restaurant.

She slurped her noodles then stared ahead. "Hmm... Because I don't have much time?"

"Are you dying?" He asked since that's what usually people say when they are dying

Sooyoung laughed, her mouth full. "You can say that."

I don't know if I should take her seriously when she's laughing so carefree like that.

Sooyoung finsihed her food then drank her water. "I'm just bored, that's all." she finally said. "I always forget things so it's no use going to school, I'm dumb you see? " she pointed at her head.

See? She's really one of a kind. I just shake my head.

It will be 2 pm soon so I got up on my seat when I saw two guys coming inside. They were laughing at something while getting inside when they saw me.

" Yook Sungjae? "

These two... Why are they here? Of all times, why now?

When Autumn Leaves [SungJoy]Where stories live. Discover now