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Sungjae's POV

Sunday. I'm currently at Yeri's room, the room that she's in is sponsored by an organization sponsored by a wealthy person who helps patients in coma, Irene noona was actually the one who introduced me to the org. They choose among the patients who really need help, like Yeri's case.

I was not expecting that we will be chosen considering that there are other patients like Yeri. Being provided with a room is already enough for me, atleast I'll only have to worry about her medication and other stuffs.

"Aigoo, You're really here. Don't you have a girlfriend?" Irene noona said as soon as she came inside.

Girlfriend? Me?

"Eoh, you stopped. You were thinking. Who's the girl?"

"Huh? Uh... No its no one, nothing."

"Eyy..." Irene noona looked at me suspiciously.

"Really noona. I have no girlfriend."

Irene laughed. "Alright. Alright. Your phone is vibrating by the way."

"Huh?" I'm not expecting a call from anyone though.

I took my phone on the table beside Yeri's bed and saw an unregistered number.

I wonder who this is.

I accepted the call, a female voice came through. "Yook Sungjae"

"Who's this?"

"It's me. Ariel." The female laughed.

Ariel? Ariel, Ariel... I tried to recall someone whose name is Ariel.

"Ah! Park Sooyoung?" Where did she get my number?

I heard her laugh again. 

"Why did you call by the way? And where did you get my number?"

"From Peniel. And I called because I'm inviting you for dinner."

I looked up to Irene noona to see if she can hear Sooyoung and she was already listening.

I covered the speaker and went out of the room before speaking again.

"Just the two of us?"

Sooyoung laughed "Ani, with everyone."

I leaned on the wall, putting one hand inside my pocket while the other holding my phone, I looked down on my shoes feeling quite disappointed and only replied with an 'oh'.

"What's the occasion?"

It didn't take long before she replied, "My farewell party."

Later that night, I said to Irene noona that I'll come back after but she just said to take my time and have fun.

The restaurant was just near the hospital so I walked there, only wearing a hoody and a cap.

When I get inside, they were already seated there, two of my coworkers were grilling the meat and some are talking.

Sooyoung was busy talking with other coworkers, she'd laugh at someone's remarks, when her eyes landed on me, she waved at me as always like a kid.


I smiled awkwardly because I felt embarassed being called in front of the crowd.

I greet the manager and other people who were present. I saw Rose urging me to sit down beside her since it was the only vacant seat.


I nod my head.

We started to eat and the manager urged me to drink with me so I had no choice, I can't refuse since he's my boss.

Sooyoung and I didn't talk during dinner, since she's on the other side of the table, Rose kept me from talking to Sooyoung.

I can only glance at her from time to time. Her departure gave me a surprise. Looking back, I don't know a thing about her. Maybe because I feel bad since I only started to treat her like others.

I glanced at her again and saw her head turned to me, her eyes landing on mine. We locked gazes.

I stared at her and she smiled at me. There's that sting in my chest again.

If she resigns then I'll never see her again. I'll never see that smile again.

I remember the times we ate in the convenience store together, side by side. There were no words between us but I felt peace, more precisely my mind was at ease.

What does people call this?

Like? Crush?

I don't know anymore.

When Autumn Leaves [SungJoy]Where stories live. Discover now