🍯 Having the throne back 🍯 edited

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It was a whole of hard time for the family. When the news of Salim been dethroned reached nayyara she almost lost it how could this Happen now when she has already started planning of been the queen.

"My princess you have some guest" a maid bowed walking out of nayyara's room quickly because she never wanted a maid in her room.

Meanal was sitted already waiting for the future queen to Grace her with her presence.

Nayyara came with a big smile on her face which made meanah wondered maybe the new didn't reach her, she was sure nayyara only likes Salim because of his status which was the king of daura now that he has been dethroned nayyara should walk out of his life.

"Have a look" meanah said shoving the newspaper which has salim's black and white picture. "The youngest king is dethroned by his father's brother who charged him for disrespecting....", nayyara read the head line loudly for meanah to hear.

Meanah's became weak shoving the papers aside, darting her orbs to nayyara who was sitted next to her.

"So, what are you planning to do" meanah asked from her vioce one could trace some nervousness from it.

"Well am not in any position to do anything but Salim will and forever be the king not your father" nayyara said very calming yet harshly glaring at meanah.

Jidderh told her that the man said something about her friend been in love with her husband, first she thought it was Sophia but then Sophia was never interested in any man since after her husband death all her focus was on her only child Nana who is in the state with Sophia parents.

Jidderh was the second that nayyara thought but quickly shoved the thought aside jidderh has a minister wrapped around her pinky, so she won't even go there, meanah here was never on the picture because nayyara thought if she was interested in Salim she should have married him and not that small girl.

Untill now that everything because clear to her, they where having family issues over the throne but she won't let that affect her relationship with Salim, his also rich not to talk of him as the king.

they both looked at each other deadly both lost in his thoughts, meanah was thinking for an easy way to get rid of nayyara.

While nayyara was thinking of one way of meanah will be that her friend because all hell will break lose.

"As for now I'll keep it on low-key untill we get back our throne" nayyara said again.

"Well then success to you, but just know nayyara that if you try anything stupid you will face the consequences" meanah said adjusting her Alkaiba which look like an abaya before storming out of nayyara's chamber.

Standing over the door was Salim looking through the door glasses, he just knew what he did was wrong but the queen mother is still mad at him.

He was sure manal also maybe that was what is still keeping her in comma it almost a week and the results where the same. Her pregnancy is almost getting to 5month which made him feel sorry about it.

He left for the northern Emirates meeting which will held in 20 minutes.

The meeting went on without Salim saying a word despite knowing the meeting was held because of him, most of the people where support him saying he might not actually be shouting at his mother his wife's where also there which means maybe he was shouting at them not really the queen mother.

Yareema didn't like the fact that 99% of the people where in support of Salim almost all the rich northern people only few where not in support.

"So we dearly apologize for dethroning you but that throne is yours untill your death" sarkin zazau who was the king of the northern Emirates said through the mic.

Salim had this real smile on his face, he sworn to change all his cabinet members they are all after his down fall.


Another chapter,
Tell me what you think Salim got back his throne.

Two more chapters and done


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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