Part eight: gift of Arf

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Stumble, fall, crash' anything that meant me hurting my bones or better yet killing me. I wanna die, I can't come out from under these covers, out of this room-with everyone to celebrate my birthday. Because I know Foxy and Bonnie will be there. Freddy I don't give a shit about, because he can't do anything with people watching. But with the two animals I love the most. It's going to be hard.

I sigh loudly knowing I will have to go out there sometime. I kick the covers off then make the bed- someone has to'

I walk to the door and hesitate to open it. My arm just won't move. I have it stretched out and everything but it won't move. I can't move it, I just can't.

I stomp my foot angrily and grab the knob to the door and fling it open. As I open it I get greeted by chika as she's in her pjs with a slice of pizza in her mouth. She waves then pulls out her pizza and says "Happy birthday," then walked on into the hallway.

How does she know? We've only meet once! D-does Foxy and Bonnie know? As well as Freddy?

I gulp and walk slowly into the livingroom taking each step with ease and being very careful. You never know who's going to pop out and I don't have my sword that's quite shitty.

As I walk into the living room each step with caution I'm greeted by Bonnie with a "Sup," then Foxy "Ahoy lass!"
I giggle and give a slight wave and walk over and sit between them both on the floor. I look of Freddy out of the corner of my eye and see him smirk but I give a huff and look away from him.

Bonnie nudges me and grins, I smile back. He whispers quietly to me making sure Foxy doesn't hear.

"Hey, no hard feelings about the smooch last night? Or are you mad?"

I mumble quietly back giving a slight nod, "I'm not mad. Just surprised."

He sighed and chuckled quietly then leaned his arm on my shoulder, I'm short enough for him to be an arm rest so I guess it's fine.

I heard Freddy growl from behind me then Bonnie and Foxy laugh at the same time then look at each other thinking, Did we just? I snickered to myself knowing how cute they both are puzzled.

"Ah!" Foxy gasped then ran out onto the beach and after a few minutes came back with a large beautifully decorated box. "Err' for ye lass." He grinned as he sat the box at my feet.

I was surprised that he got me something at all, I looked over at
Bonnie and he nodded then at Foxy. Nod. They wanted me to open it.

I sighed and nervously opened the beautiful box trying not to harm the paper. As I lifted the lid a small furry thing jumped out and onto my lap.

I gasped surprised at the movement the thing decided it wanted to do. I grabbed the furry thing and examined it and realized it was a puppy.

A German-Shepard. All light brown until his facial features, he had a black
Muzzle and little black eye brows that made his personality even cuter. His tail was thing but shaggy, with dabs of white here and there. Then a white circle on his chest.

I smiled as I watched the puppy squirm and wiggle in my lap as I smiled scratching his ear. He looked up at me and jumped up trying to get into my arms. I laughed and snatched him up into a snuggle huggle. He licked my face while his puppy breath burned my nose.

"Looks like thee lad likes ya." Foxy laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"Y-you got him for me?" I widen my eyes still surprised that I got anything at all, but getting something from Foxy is a honor.

"Ya, the lad needen' a home so ir thought ye'd like him." He sat beside me and patted the puppies head while he licked his large hand.

"Foxy," I smiled looking at him.

"Ya lass?" He looked back at me pondering at my change of mood.

I smiled and leaned closer and quickly planted a kiss on his cheek while whispering in his ear as I stood up.

"Thank you." Then I trudged out of the room out onto the beach to see the beautiful sky on my birthday.


I sat there in awe as I replayed over and over in my head what just happened.

The lass kissed me, kissed me, but she wouldn't of done that if she still couldn't remember our past.... Wait..... does she know?

Bonnie elbowed me in my side making me wince while he snatched my ear and cuffed his hand over the right side of my left ear and whispered.

"Uh, so um. Ever thought about giving her to someone else? Cause I wouldn't mind her. B-but that's only if ya don't want her. If you know what I mean by want...."

I widen my eyes and elbowed him hard in his stomach while trying to hide my blush. I hear Bonnie laugh and wince at the same time then Freddy mumble "Assholes.." I give him a glare then stand up and walk out of the room leaving Bonnie laughing and crying over some little thing.

Damned Bonnie, damned Freddy. Urgh' that's it. I don't care if Vixen doesn't remember me I'm telling her straight. I need to talk to her. Really. Because, her kissing me just pushed it all over the edge. I'm going nuts just thinking about her......

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