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Chapter one;
Schools out!

The last few minutes of class are always the longest. Everyone sat on the edges of their seats ready to burst out of the room. As soon as that clock struck four everyone would be out posting bikini pics and beach photos.

I can't personally say that's what I'll be doing though. Normally my family and I go on our annual summer vacation but this year my mother and father split up so there probably won't be any of that. My mother left my father and had taken my brother after she caught my father cheating for the fifth time, I couldn't stay in that house with the man who tormented me all my life so I moved in with my best friend, Adore.

Speaking of Adore and I, we sat in the back of the room, leaned sideways looking at each other's phone. We wouldn't get in trouble of course, Adore had basically flirted enough with our teacher, Ms. Del Rio that she treats us way differently compared to the other students.

"So guess what, " Adore whispered at me with a smile as she set down her phone. I set down my phone to and listened to her. "My mother wants to take us down to the beach and we're gonna stay in our  beach house for the summer! " My eyes widen and I grin widely.

"That's awesome! " She nods and checks her phone. "Only one minute until summer" Our eyes wander over to the clock which ticks slowly, the students all around us stare up at it, shifting. Suddenly it lands on four, the bell rings and all you can hear is the loud cheer of students as they run out the school. Our classroom clears instantly and me and adore get our stuff together.

Ms. Del Rio smiles at us as we walk up to the front. "Have a good summer girls" Adore hugs her with a kiss on the cheek. "We will, see ya in a few months. " They break apart with tiny waves and we turn to the door where our friends, Pearl, Brianna and Blair stand.

"Hey." Pearl smiles slightly and our little group begins to walk down the empty, loose paper filled halls. "So what's everybody gonna do? " Brianna smiles with a small grin. "Me and Trixie are going to our house at the beach. You? " The three girls nod. "Same"

"Well at least we'll be able to hang out" Blair smiles fondly. We walk out the big double doors and find that students are standing everywhere, waiting for cars, driving away. We walk to pearls car. Which is just amazing cause her family is stupid rich.

"So, who do we drop off first? " Pearl comments starting the engine. "I guess you can drop us off first" Adore points to me. Pearl nods and zooms away like a maniac.

Let the summer begin?

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