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Chapter Five;
Boba and Ex's

We entered Tia's Boba with a few content sighs. It was visually appealing on the outside. Light pink walls and white decor, such as comfy white sofas and tables. Me, Blair and Brianna sat at a table whilst Adore and Pearl got our drinks.

"So Trixie, have you met anyone yet? " Brianna asked me, setting down her phone. I shook my head with a shy smile. "There's nobody that really catches my attention. Personality or looks wise" I shrug. Blair sighs heavily. "At this point you should just download tinder" I laugh quietly.

Adore and Pearl soon come back with our drinks and we all sit together chatting. "What were you girls talking about? " Pearl asks taking a sip of her drink. "How Trixie is the saddest single ever and thinks nobody catches her attention. "  I roll my eyes.

"Hm. That's cute. Anyways, anyone ever wonder where Farrah is? Like we never see her. " Farrah was our old friend, she got in a fight with one of her best friends and then was told horrible shit about us. Long story short she doesn't talk to us much.

"I see here in the halls some days. She'll smile at me but that's it. We don't chat or plan hang overs or anything really. " Brianna sighs. Pearl nods and pulls out her phone. I sit quietly and look around the place absentmindedly, there's a few kids here and there, out with family I'm guessing.

There's also a group of girls sat in the farthest corner. This place is totally not their aesthetic, you can tell. Their clothing colors consist of black and other dark colors. There's one with silky black hair, ties into a neat ponytail. Her outfit is a simple black dress with a leather jacket over top. And by the looks of it, she's real fucking skinny.

Another sits next to her, she has blonde hair, that's mostly down other than on little pony tail on top. She wearing a T-shirt that's tucked loosely into pants that are way to big for her. She seems nice though, with dark blue makeup. She seems oddly familiar too.

Lastly there's another blonde, she has on a leather jacket also, but she's just wearing a shirt, I'm guessing, that's tucked into shorts. Her hair lays down on her shoulders in a messy yet amazing way. Her hair frames her face, which wears beautiful shimmery black makeup. Her eyes are a piercing blue/green eyes..that are staring at me! Shit!

I quickly avert my gaze and try to listen to Adores gushing over Ms. Del Rio, but I can feel her gaze burn into me. Slowly I turn my heard back to her and she looks me up and down, causing me to squirm in my seat. She sits back with a smirk and I'm tapped on the shoulder. "Trixie? You okay? " I turn my head fast and stare at Blair before nodding softly.

"Yes..im fine.. " I gulp. Blair tilts her head and looks to where I was looking. "Shit.. " Her face pales. "What's wrong? " I ask confused, trying hard not to look back at the table of girls. "Uh pearl, can we go? I'm suddenly feeling very woozy" Blair turns to Pearl who has a worried expression. She looks like she's about to say something but simply nods and we leave.

"Blair? Are you okay? " I question her and she shakes her head. "My ex was in there.. " We gasp.

"Shit that was aquaria?? I thought she looked familiar.. " Blair nods. Blair and Aquaria broke up in sophomore year. It wasn't a horrible break up obviously, cause they didn't have a toxic relationship, but things were just really awkward after that.

"At least we got out of there before she or her friends noticed any of us. " Blair smiles softly. Shit. "Well-"

Written by adorescupcake

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