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Chapter twenty
Our first date

"Table for zamo." Katya smiled to the worker who had asked for the name. The guys smiled and grabbed two menus, then brought us over to a table. And and Katya sat down across from each other. The guy handed us our menus. "Your waiter will be here in a moment. While you wait, feel free to look though our vast amount of dishes. " He then walks away, back to his post.

"I can believe you got a registration here. It looks expensive. " I comment looking around at the scenery. Katya smiles. "It was really easy. I just called and said who I was and they let me have a table. " I hum and look through the menu. "So they let you get a table even though your seventeen?" Katya nods. Soon enough a waiter walks over.

"Hello I'm Chris and i'll be your waiter for the night. Have you decided on a drink? "

"Can I have a coke please? What do you want trix?" I look at the drinks they offer and tell the waiter I want a water. He writes down our drinks and walks off to go get them. "Do you know what you want? "

"I think I'll go with a salad. " Katya stares. "Why a salad? "

"I'm vegan, they don't really have a lot of food to offer that's vegan. I'm also on a small diet right now so.. " Katya sets her menu down. "A diet? Why? " I shrug. "I'm just not happy with my figure. "

"I love your figure. " Katya grins dorkishly. I shake my head with a smile and watch as Chris comes back. He hands us our drinks. "Have you decided on what you want to eat ladies? "

"Yeah I'll have a salad. " I state despite katyas staring. She sighs. "I'll have the spaghetti, minus the meatballs. " The waiter writes down our stuff and then walks off into the back.

We're silent for a minute and then Katya speaks. "I still don't think you need to be on a diet trix. " She sighs moving her drink around. I shrug. Katya leans against her hand. "I think your beautiful. " I find myself blushes quite easily around Katya so I looked down into my glass of water.

" Actually I love all your features. You have a beautiful slim waist that I'd like to wrap my arm around, I like holding your hands because their always warm and soft. And every time you smile I feel my chest tighten because I love that stupid smile of yours, " I smile and look up at her.

"I also love it when you look away because your face is becoming all read. Like yesterday when we were watching the movie, you put your face in my neck and immediately pulled away. I saw you blush in the corner of my eye. And when we kissed for the first time, you were a red mess. "

"It was a kiss! What do you expect me to do! " I laugh. Katya smiles. The waiter comes back over and hands us our food.


" That was delicious. " I sigh. Katya gives me a look as we walk out of the restaurant. "You ate a salad, calm down Tina. " She comments. I roll my eyes and get on Barbara. "I had a great night Katya. The-"

"You don't think I'm done yet do you? " Katya asks hopping on. "I- what? "

"Our date. It's not over yet. " I stare. "We've got one more place to hit, it's only, " She checked her phone. "Six thirty two. We have one more place to go. " I just nod and put on my helmet. Katya puts on hers and drives off. It's a short drive, and I only cling to her for about the whole time.

Finally we come to a stop. I remove my helmet and look around. "Why are we at the beach? It's nearly seven. " Katya takes off her helmet and gets off Barbara. "Just come on. " Katya smiles.

I slowly get off the bike and take katyas hand. She walks me down the beach. "Oh I realize what's happening here. Your so cheesy. "

"Long walks on the beach are romantic! "

"Who told you that? " I try not to laugh as she takes a childish defensive pose. "It was my good friend jujubees wise words thank you very much. " We both laugh and Katya slightly touches my waist.

I sense a bit of nervousness coming from her. Is she scared to hold me? "Katya..." I mumble. She looks off into the distance. I sigh contently and lean against her, making her arm fully slide around my waist. She looks  ack at me with a unsure expression.

"It's fine Katya, I like having you hold me.." Katya merely smiles and holds onto me tightly. We walk silently down the beach until the sun slowly starts to set. The cool blue tones of the night sky stretch as far as the eye can see, and the tiny white stars twinkle down upon us.

"Should we head back? " I ask. Katya nods and we walk back up to her motorcycle. Katya leans against it and pulls something out. "Mind if I have a quick smoke? " I pause and look as she holds up the lighter and one cigarette. "I don't mind. " I mutter and sit on the vehicle.

Katya lights the cigarette. I relax on her bike and watch as puffs of smoke start to fill the air. I almost start to feel uncomfortable as I blink back to memorys of my step father. When I used to come home from school he'd force me to sit in the living room and he'd always be smoking.

Our house smelled of nicotine and death. While I sat there he would purposely blow smoke into my face, I Rembert coughing and gagging in which he'd slap me and tell me to suck it up. I start to feel sick as I watch Katya.

Katya isn't anything like my father but I can't help but make these comparisons. It hurts to think about him and that horrid life I used to live but I keep reminding myself that I'm living a little better now. "What's on your mind? " Katya asks dropping the cigarette and stepping on it. "Nothing I'm just thinking. "

"Oh ok, well I gotta get you home. " Katya pauses and places a kiss on my cheek. I smile in a dorky manner and get onto the bike. Katya does as well and we're about to put on our helmets when I hear something.

"Trixie? " I freeze. I recognize that voice anywhere. I turn and see him, standing with a questionable look on his face. "D—Daniel? " There he is, my ex.


Wifey 💕

summer lovin ::: trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now