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Chapter twenty four
Play for me

I sat in aqaurias living room playing on my phone whilst Brianna talked about anything and everything. "Shouldn't you wake Farrah? " I turn to aja and ask. Aja checks her watch and shakes her head. "No. I wake her at eleven everyday. She whines and complains all day if she doesn't get her sleep. " I nod and go back to scrolling through my phone.

"No dumbass. My friend wants them delivered by the last week of summer. No if ands or buts. " Violets voice carries through the house. I look up at the stairs and see her walking down with a serious look. Up close to her mouth is her phone. There's a few words said by the other person and then violet just huffs.

"I said last week of summer. I swear I will have my father fire you if they are late. " She then ends the call and rolls her eyes. Violet notices us and waves. "Hey." She then walks into the kitchen. I turn to everyone else. "I'm confused. Is her father like, important or something? "

Aqaurias nods. "Isn't he like a mafia member? " Aja asks. Aqaurias sighs and shakes her head. "No. He's the owner of a huge business company. That must have been Darla, his assistant on the phone. Violet hates her guts because she found them in bed together. " I look back at the kitchen. "Yikes." Violet then walks out with a piece of chocolate dangling from her mouth.

"Daddy come on! That nasty whore will ruin everything for her! " She's on the phone with her father, obviously. Violet rips the chocolate out if her mouth and practically yells into the phone. "I need the flowers daddy! That bitch Darla is a good for nothing sack of shi—! " The line goes dead. Violet yells in frustration and roughly pushes her phone in her pocket. She stomps over to us and takes a seat on the couch.

"Another darla problem huh? " Aqaurias rubs the girls back in a half soothing matter. Violet crosses her arms. "That bitch is ruining everything! " She huffs and then notices me. Violet immediately calms down. "Oh hi trixie, how are you? " I just smile awkwardly and look back at aja.

"So uh if her dad is the business man, who's is the mafia member? You mentioned it." I ask. Aja smiles. "Well-"

"Don't even. I'd rather tell because knowing you, you'll exaggerate everything. " Aqauria stops her. Aja rolls her eyes. "Anyways, it's just a theory but we think that Katya's dad is a mafia member. Now it sounds far fetched but you know how she took you to that really nice restaurant? " I nod. "Well as far as we know she was completely broke. So how on earth did she pay for it? " I slowly start to catch on as thin arms wrap around me from behind.

"Guess who. " Katya coo's in a childish manner. I chuckled quietly and turn around at her. She places a kiss on my cheek. "So what's the topic of discussion. " We were-" I go to speak but am cut off by violet. "Talking about darla. " Katya rolls her eyes. "Ew." Violet nods. "I know right. "

I look at the others in confusion who simply shake their heads as if Katyas dad is a topic to avoid. Katya rests her head on top of mine. "Well I don't have time for that. Trixie, wanna head somewhere with me? " I shrug and nod. I stand and walk over to the door. "Bye Tracy! Have a good time! " Brianna calls.

I smile softly and wave before me and Katya walk outside. Katya shuts the door behind her and we walk down the steps of aqaurias home. "So where are we going? " I ask. Katya shrugs. "I don't know. I just wanted to go somewhere with you. " I find myself smiling at her words. We walk silently together until and idea comes to me. "Hey why don't we go to me and adores place? "

"Hm that's very forward of you miss Mattel. " Katya smirked. I lightly hit her arm. "Not like that. I meant we could hang out in my room or something, " Katya nods. "I'd like that. "


"There you are! " Adore rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. I awkwardly stand there. "I had no idea where you were I was so fucking worried..." Adore gripped onto me. Katya stood bye with a small smile. Finally adore got off of me. She turned to Katya and frowned. "What are you doing here? "

"Well that was rude adore. " I chuckle. "Trixie invited me over. " Adore slowly nodded. I grabbed onto Katya hand. "Well we're going up stairs, bye! " I pull Katya up the steps and into my room before adore can go to extreme conclusions.

"Oh woah thats a lot of pink. " Katya said in awe as she looked around my room, I chuckled and sat down on my bed. Katya followed. I watched her look around. She finally looked back at me, or well past me. Her eyes widened and she smiled. "Do you play? " I look past me and see my guitar sitting there.

I pause for a moment then shake my head. Katya eyes me for a minute. "Oh yes you do. " "No I don't. " Katya grins. "You do! " I frown. "Fine. I did play. I don't play anymore. "

"Oh come on why not? "

"Because it was my moms.. " I look back at the guitar and sigh. Katya quiets. I silent myself as well as I stare at the small, almost tempting instrument. "Will you play for me? " Katya asks softly. I practically whip my head back to her. I stare and she stares back. "I'm serious Trixie. Play for me. I can tell you have some like pent up anger at the thing. Maybe you can get rid of it my playing. "

I then look back at it. "Please Trixie. " I don't want to but I don't want to upset katya so I nod slowly. Katya claps her hands softly in a happy manner. I get up and walk over to the guitar. Then I grab it, feeling a range of emotions fly back at me and hit hard. A pain erupts in my chest as I bring it back to the bed.

I sit down and get comfortable, letting the guitar fall into place. Katya waits patiently for me to start. I grab my guitar pick and bring it down onto the guitars strings. I play my first note and feel myself slowly begin to get lighter and lighter, almost like I'm lifting that heavy weight of my mom problems off my chest.

I play softly and finally hit a note where I have to start singing. I open my mouth but no words come out. I stop playing and look up at Katya whose covering her face but still smiling hard. She removes her hands and takes my guitar, letting it down on the floor. She then slowly grabs ahold of my face and presses a soft kiss against my lips.

I feel a whirlpool of emotions hit through this one kiss. My face heats up rapidly and I softly wrap my arms around Katya. She removes her lips from mine and smiles. "What was that for? " I ask quietly. Katya smiles and shrugs. "I just wanted to do that. " We stay in this position for a few more seconds before both laughing.

"Your so weird. " I shake my head with a cheeky grin. Katya nods. "It's my specialty. "


Semi long chapter tingz 💕😙✌

summer lovin ::: trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now