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Chapter twenty eight

Finally Katya pulled up at Tia's. She shut off the bike and hopped off. I got off too and we both took off our helmets. Katya then wrapped her arm around my waist and guided me inside. We walked up to the counter and got our drinks, we then sat in the farthest corner in the back.

I slid into the booth and cuddled into Katya. She layed her head on top of mine. "Trix? " I muffled something of acknowledgement. Katya rubbed my arm and began to speak once more. "We met here. Remember? " I nod slowly as a small smile graces my face. "Yeah I remember.."

"I thought you were very hot. " Katya teased making me giggled. "I know, you looked me up and down several times." I chuckled playing with a piece of her hair. Katya smiled and nodded. "Yes I did. And then the very next day we crashed into each other. " I shake my head with a smile. "Yeah sorry about that. "

"Don't be sorry. I'm glad I bumped into you actually. I wasn't having a spectacular day so seeing you get all blushy school girl around me brightened my mood. " Katya teased kisses my cheek. I huddled close into her. A few moments of comfortable silence passed. "Hey trix? " I look up.

"You mean a lot to me. " Katya didn't look at me, she had a faint smile on her face though. I nodded. "You mean a lot to me too Katya. I don't know where I'd be without you. " I chuckled. Katya looked back at me. "I'm going to miss you.." I frown. Katya lifts my head so that I'm facing her.

" Trixie I.. " She doesn't finish her sentence. She just smiles sadly and gives me a short kiss. A smile graces my face once more at the gesture. I pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram while we sit. I rest against Katya and scroll. Katya presses small kisses to my head as we sit.

The comfortable silence soon falls into a awkward silence, with each of us wanting to say something but nothing coming out. I turn and look at Katya. Katya looks past me out the window. I stare for a minute or two before pressing a short kiss to her neck, leaving a pink kiss mark.

I see Katya grin and she looks at me. "What was that for? " I shrug. Katya suddenly jumps. "That's right there's somewhere I wanted to take you! " She untangled our bodies and stands, offering her hand. I grab it and sit up, then I slip my phone in her back pocket with hers, since I'm wearing a dress.

Katya grabs our now empty cups and tosses them in the trash. We leave Tia's and go back to the motorcycle. " Where are we going? " I ask sitting on the vehicle
Katya smiles. "Some where special. " She then hops on and hands me my helmet. I put it on watch Katya put hers on. She then starts the bike and drives off.


We come to a stop. "Don't open your eyes! " Katya quickly yells. I nod slowly and take my helmet off. Katya comes up behind and and helps me off. She then places her hands over my eyes. "Katya I'm not going to look. " "It's a safety precaution. " She jokes.

She then slowly begins walking me. I hit a few tall things, like giant plants. I hit a pole, a rock, and fell because of pebbles multiple times. "Katya you suck at guiding. " I huff. I hear Katya chuckle quietly. She walks me up what seems to be a hill and then we stop. Katya removes her hands and I hear her shuffle around for a minute.

I wait patiently until I hear her stop. "Okay open! " I open my eyes to see us standing on a hill. around us is a field littered with sunflowers. I feel a smile form. "Katya this is adorable. " I look back at her. She laid out a blanket and sat down, then she patted the spot next to her. I walked over and sat.

"I figured we could stay here for a while. It's nice and peaceful and nobody knows about it really. " I chuckled and a idea pops into my head. Ni lay down and put my head on katya's lap. Katya looks down at me with a beam. "Comfy down there. " I roll my eyes playfully. Katya bends down and gives me a quick kiss.

"You know I think I'll miss your kisses the most. " I smile bring my hand up and pulling Katya down closer to my face. Katya nods. "I think I'll miss you as a whole. " I press another kiss again her lips before breaking it with a sigh. "I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow.." I rub my head.

Katya smiles sadly and bites her lip. She looks away for a moment then looks back. "It'll be okay trix.. " She blinks away a few tears. I sit up and hug her. I blink back my tears and tuck my face in her neck. Katya pulls away and wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry..i never cry. " She fans at her eyes. I smile softly.

"Katya.." Katya chuckled and looks back at me. "I just want to stay with you forever.. " I say breathlessly.


Before I say anything I just wanted to say that Chi Chi has passed. She will be remembered by all of us and will live on in our hearts. She was so kind and gentle and had a admirable amount of strength. My love goes our to her family, you never know when it's your last day so please cherish everyday your alive ❤

Now, this is I hate to say it but tomorrow's chapter is the last chapter.  That's all, bye.

900 words ❤

summer lovin ::: trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now