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We are skipping a month luv ❤ summer is long and I'm not trying to make this story 1000 parts long

Chapter twenty-five
Have you ever drank before?

" God damn Trixie that is hot. " I blush and look down. Katya eyes my figure that is currently well dressed in a short pink dress Katya picked out for me. Katya stands up and walks over to me, slipping her hands around my waist. I look down at her and she presses a kiss to my lips. I wrap my arms around her and then we break apart from said kiss.

"I think your exaggerating. " I chuckle. Katya shakes her head and looks me up and down once more. "You really don't know how beautiful you are? " Katya asks with a slight grin. I roll my eyes playfully and pull her into a another kiss.

A knock on the dressing room door causes us to stop. Katya sighs and walks over, she opens the door to see a smiling worker. "Hi girls, that dress looks lovely on you. " Katya glared at her. I smiled softly. "Yeah uh, I think we'll get it. Just gimme a few minutes to take it off. " The girl nodded and Katya practically armed the door on her.

"That was rude kat. You cant just slam doors on people. " I smile. Katya just shrugs. "I don't like how she was looking at you. " I shake my head softly and turn to her. "Can you unzip me? " Katya nods and unzips the dress, her finger tips brushing against my skin, giving me goose bumps. (This is so fucking cliche. )

I walk into the back and take the dress off, then I slip back into my normal clothes. I turn to be corner and see Katya waiting with a grin. "Ready? " I nod and we leave the dressing room. Me and Katya make our way to the registration area and pay for the dress, then we leave.

"Surprised she didn't ask for my number. you know, with her being practically in love with me. " I tease. Katya rolls her eyes and gets on her bike. I climb on the back of it and wrap my arms around Katya.


"Yo. What did you get? " Pearl asks when we walk in aqaurias house. I reach in my bag and pull out the dress. I then show it to her and the rest of the girls that sit on the couch. "That's cute. " Violet smiles. I nod and put it back in my bag. Katya wraps a arm around me. "Want to head upstairs? " I nod and wave by to the girls.

Me and Katya make our way upstairs and into her room. I sit down on her bed and Katya walks over to her small Bluetooth speaker. "Wanna listen to music? " I nod and fix my hair. Whilst I'm pulling my hair up, Katya connects her phone to the speaker and hits shuffle on her playlist.

Some random song starts to play and Katya walks back over to me. I set my bag down on her dresser and lay lazily on Katyas bed. Katya climbs next to me and pulls out her phone. She plays her phone as I lay there. Suddenly I turn to her and grip onto her waist. "Katya? I'm bored. " I whine.

Katya chuckles and sets down her phone. "Well, " She lifts my head up to look at her. "What do you want to do? " I pout and shrug. Katya pulls me up all the way so that out legs are tangled together. I lay my hands on the bed and stare down at her. "You know what we could do? " I shake my head.

"We could get drunk. " I scrunch up my face and look over at her phone. "Katya it's five. Why would I get drunk at five? Why would I get drunk period. " I frown. Katya leans up so that our faces are centimeters. "Because you love me? " I roll my eyes and peck her on the lips. "Well yeah but still. "

Katya pushes me down so that she's on top of me. "Please Trixie? For me? " She rests her head on my chest. I sigh and look away before slowly nodding. Katya cheers and jumps off me. She then runs downstaits. I sit up and play with my hair while I wait. I hear her yelling to the girls about something before she runs back into the room. Katya shuts the door behind her and holds up a ton of alcohol.

She sits across from me and sets the drinks between us. "Have you ever gotten drunk before? " I shake my head and a devilish smirk growns on Katyas face. Katya then grabs some blue bottle and hands it to me. I take it and look at it. "Well what are you waiting for. Take a sip. " I sigh and pop the lid thingy off. Then I bring it up to my lips and hesitantly take a sip.

It tasted like shit and it burned my throat. I make a sour face which gives me a chuckle from Katya. She pats my arm. "You'll get used to it. She then takes the bottle out of my hand and takes a long drink of it. I frown and cross my arms.  " Way to make me feel better. " Katya smiles and sets the drink down.

"You know when I told the girls it was your first time drinking they were shocked. Even your friend adore has drank. " I roll my eyes. "Yeah I know. I was scrolling through her phone one day when I saw all the naked drunk photos she sent her girlfriend. " Katya frowned. "Damn why can't you do that. "

I chuckle. "Thirsty whore. " Katya shrugged. "Whiney bottom. " I pouted. "I am not a whiney bottom. " Katya nodded sarcastically. "Yeah sure Jan. " Katya chuckled and picked up a bottle, she handed it to me.

I opened it and took a sip. "This one's better. " It didn't burn as much and tasted good. Katya smiled. I took another sip. "But like I said I'm not a bottom. " Katya just laughed. "Trixie, I could top you right here and now if I wanted to. And you'd be helpless against me. "  Katya winked.

I glared and sipped my drink. "You know I'm right. " Katya chuckled.


"Katyaaaaa! " I whine and fall on top of Katya. Katya stares back at me with a confused look. I smile and kiss her cheek. "Hello." I look down at her. Katya rolls her eyes with a smile. "You had too much to drink. " I shake my head. "No I'm fine. "

I then lace my body in with hers. "What are you doing trix? " Katya asks with a slight laugh. I grin. "Im cuddling you. " "Your a very needy drunk Trixie. " I shrug and place my face in her neck. A few seconds of silence go by and then I speak. "You smell good. " Katya laughs loudly. "You feeling okay? " She asks.

"My head hurts and I feel funny. " Katya nods. "Yeah your probably drunk. " I furrow my brows and look at her, or well both of her. I think I'm seeing double. " You drank way more than me Katya. How come your not drunk. " Katya turns my head. Guess I was looking at the wrong one.

"I'm not as much of a light weight like you trix. I can take a lot of drinks and still only become a little hazy. " I let out a oh and stare at her for a few moments. "Katy-" "Katya." "Right Katya. Do you know how hot you are? " Katya shakes her head.

"Well your very beautiful. " I beam. Katya smiles and pulls me in close. "Your a very affectionate drunk Trixie. " I shrug and look at her and around her. "I still think your wrong about me being a bottom. " Katya turns and looks at me with a amused look. "You are a bottom Trixie. " I frown.

"Prove it. " Katya looks at me for a minute. "What do you mean prove it? " I sit up. "Prove that I'm a bottom. " Katya sits up too and sets her drink down. "Trixie you do realize that would mean-" "I know what it means Katya, " I grab ahold of her face. "Just prove it. " Katya nods softly and kisses me.

She practically pushes me down and continues to kiss me. Finally she breaks away with a smile. "This enough for ya? " I shake my head. "Looks like your a needy bottom too. " I go to object but only manage to get out a squeak as she kisses down my neck.

Her hands tug on my shirt. "Can I? " She asks softly. I nod. Katya then slowly slips her hands under my shirt.


I'm ending it right there you dirty sluts.

I'm not comfy writing smut so this is all you'll get. Peace out.

summer lovin ::: trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now