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Chapter twenty one
Ex madness

Daniel rushes up to me. i flinch. Katya stands up. "I'll go over there and give you guys some private time. " Katya smiles. Don't go! She walks off. I rub my arm and look down at the ground. "So how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while. "

I shrug. "I'm fine.." I mumbled and kick my feet a bit. Daniel shifts. "Who's the girl? " His town is harsh, almost disgusted. "Katya..? She's my...uhm...shes my friend. " I stare over at Katya who scrolls through her phone. She notices me looking and sends me a wink. Well that didn't help my situation.

"She's awfully flirty for a friend. " Daniel crosses his arms. I bite my lip. "I never took you for a dyke Trixie. "

I shudder. "I uh.." Daniel flicks my shoulder. "Mind looking up at me? It's rude. " I nod slowly and look up at him. He smirks. "Ha, looks like I can still get you to do what I ask. " He crouches to my level. "Your just the same old Trixie, easily manipulated Trixie. "

I frown and try to look away from him. "Remember when adore started to talk shit about you? " I look back at him. "What? Adore never-"

"Ha! You mean she didn't tell you? Oh Trixie she said such horrible things about you. " He raised his hand and flicked me upside the head. "Your such a dumbass. All of your friends have said horrible things about you. Your just too dumb to notice. Their manipulating you, brianna..pearl.. Blair..farrah..adore. Hell I bet even that Katya woman is manipulating you to actually believe she likes you. "

I feel tears begin to brim my eyes and wipe them away quickly. "Hm? You crying? That's pathetic Tracy. " I look down to the ground. I hate when he calls me Tracy. That's what my step father used to call me.. "Tch. Stupid bitch, you don't even know how to look up at people when their talking to you. " I wrap my arms around myself in a tight grasp.

Katya walks back over. "Everything okay? " Daniel gets up. "Yeah, me and Trixie were just talking. She said her stomach hurts though. "

"Must have been that salad you ate  Trix, I told you you should have gotten something else to eat. " I look up at Katya with my best fake smile. "Yeah your right. " I chuckle. Katya stares for a moment before shaking her head with a small smile. She gets back on her bike. "Well Trixie I'll talk to you some other time. " Daniel smirks and waves before walking away. I put my helmet on and grasp at the back of Katya shirt.

What if Daniel was right..? Is Katya manipulating me? But what would she want out of me?

Katya starts up the vehicle and drives us back to my house. The entire time she's driving I keep thinking back to what Daniel had said. There's always a possibility he was right...no. I shouldn't let him get to me. Who cares what he says.

Katya pulls up in front of me and adores place. I get off her bike and hand her the helmet. She takes hers off too. "I had a great time Katya..thank you. " I smile softly and turn to head back to the house. Katya grabs ahold of my skirt, turning me around. She wraps her arm around my waist and puts her head on my shoulder.

"Did he..say anything to you? You seemed upset. " She whispers to me. I freeze for a moment before shaking my head. "No..we just talked. " Katya removed her head and nodded. She pause for a moment before giving me a quick kiss. I smile as she removes herself from me and hops back on 'barbara'. She puts on her helmet and waves goodbye. She then drives off. I wave and then turn to walk back into the house.

I enter quietly and take off my shoes. I then walk up stairs and walk to adores room. I open her door and find her sleeping like a baby.

I smile fondly and shut her door quietly. I then walk back to my room and flop on my bed. My phone buzzes and I open it to see a text from Katya.

Katya❤; I had a great time tonight. We should hang again

Me; yeah I'd like that💕

Katya❤; gn trix :)

Me; night Katya.

I sigh and plug my phone in. I then walk to my closet and put on my sleep wear. Finally I take off my make up and slip into bed.


Short chapter :)

summer lovin ::: trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now