Chapter 23

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Louis's POV

" i'm hungry anyone want to go get something to eat" Renee said I chuckled and kissed her Buffy scoffed an got up and went outside. Niall was out getting Buffy some clothes an stuff for when we go to Australia yeah they got some hot chicks there. I think Buffy's from there but she moved here with her mum I heard her telling Niall a few days ago.

" babe I want you so bad" Renee said to me smirked and started to kiss hungrily and then I took my top off I picked her up and vampire sped her to my little room I share with her. Then well you know what happens.

Buffy's POV

Great they're having you know what and i'm now stuck in the lounge room bored as hell. Then I smell blood Niall comes through the door with a bloke and a woman they both look around my age.

" hey babe since we haven't had human blood from the vein we could have a snack?" he said then smirked he pushed me the boy and I pinned him up against the wall. He tried to get out of my grip but I bit into him then I felt someone pull me off him. It was Louis he threw me at the wall and he bit into him I went to the girl and a bit into the other side of her neck Niall looked up and looked at Louis and shock his head then he went back to feeding.

Liam's POV

well zayn,Harry and I are at the cinemas trying to forget the fact that we have to go on tour it's a wonder why no one hasn't noticed us yet. Wait I spoke to soon girls started to chase we were only jogging for us but for them we were running I love being a hybrid well all of the boys do pretty much.

We were home in no time after we lost the fans and we saw two bodies on the floor. Zayn picked them up and vampire sped to the forest so he could hide then I got Harry and I a blood bag.

Louis's POV

Well that was fun Renee,Niall,Buffy and I are in our rooms packing since we have to go home tonight zayn,Harry and liam already packed smart asses.

A/N hope you guys liked I absolutely love take me home its awesome all the songs are good k bye

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Kidnapped by one direction(watty awards 2012)1D vampire fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now