Chapter 28

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Buffy's POV

Well that dream was scary seriously it felt so real maybe it was Louis doing something to make me hate Niall. But the only thing that was true about that dream was that Niall and I haven't talked for a while and that Renee is indeed a vampire.(oh great). He apologized and I accepted it and I just won't talk to him it's like he doesn't care about me anymore.

"Buffy will you come to the shops with me? ,to get some clothes for us all to wear to tonight" Louis said I nodded than I looked at him.

"what's tonight?" I asked him,he just shook his head it must've been a surprise god I hate surprises.

We walked out the front door and walked to Louis's Audi it was so cool it was like the one out of the gotta be you music video.

"Awesome car Louis" I said he chuckled and opened the door for me what a gentle yeah right.

"So what shop are we going to?" I asked he smiled that cute grin, wait did I just call his grin cute eww.

'You called my grin cute babe yours is much cuter' I heard him say in my head.

'Go away, you're so annoying!" I said back.

'What ever you want me,and I want you' god he just doesn't give up. He finally started the car and drove to this place that looked like the shops you see in new York but Aussie style.

"Here we are" Louis said getting out and putting his glasses on god he looked hot. He must've heard me say that in my head cause he looked at me and grinned. We walked in and instantly Louis went over to the suits part. I just went to the dresses and found this most pretty red dress. It had a bow on the side and one strap it was beautiful and there was a different colored one, so I decided to get that on for Renee since she apparently needs one. I heard Louis coming over and tried to scare me it didn't work.

"Oh by the way Renee doesn't need a dress since she's a new vampire she needs to learn to control herself". He said putting the other dress back and pushing me and the other dress towards the change rooms.

"No way am I dressing up for you Louis Tomlinson" he smirked and kept pushing me I gave up and shut the door. I changed into it and I opened the door and I came out Louis'a mouth dropped open.

"Shut your mouth or you'd catch flys Louis" I said doing a little twirl,then walking back in the change room. I closed the door nearly full way until Louis came in taking his glasses off. He grabbed the back of the dress and slipped it down so I was only in my bra and my short shorts that I was wearing underneath. He chuckled cause I was still in shock cause of him coming into the change room. He smirked and pushed me up against the wall gave me my top and told me to put it back on. He kissed me and gave me a hickey and bit into my neck god it felt nice. He gulped my blood down like it was his last meal. He pulled out and licked the rest of the blood off my neck,he picked up the dress and grabbed my wrist and brought me to the cashier and the lady put my dress and five suits guessing that's the boys in a huge bag.

"There you go have a nice day and you two are the most cutest couples I've ever seen" she said I could see that that Louis looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Thank you she's the best girlfriend ever" he said then gave me a peck on the lips she smiled and we walked out.

"Well that was fun" Louis said putting his sun glasses back on since he forgot to when we left the change room. It's a wonder why she didn't notice him well she could've kept it a secret so no one would bother us.

"Yeah definitely we should try that again sometime" he said starting the car and driving back home.

"Oh and babe we finish what started later ok my room midnight since all the boys will be asleep by then" he said smirking and I couldn't help but laugh at his sexyness he was trying to prove.

"Ok but what about Niall?" I asked he looked at my eyes and I saw a flash of hurt and jealousy.

"Forget about him,he won't mind" he said getting back to the road he parked into McDonald's parking spaces.

"Um Louis why are we here we don't eat human food?" I asked he looked at me laughed.

"Babe I'm not here for maccas I'm here for some food that we eat,I saw that there were some girls and the boys,you and me need something to lighten us up before we go to the surprise we don't want to look yuk, we need to look respectable" he said getting out and coming back with four girls.

"How the hell are they gonna fit in here Lou?" I said.

"Well three can sit in the back and one can sit on your lap don't worry they're knocked out" great that's good someone sitting on me and that I have no space to move seriously I wonder where we're going for this surprise.

A/N ok here you guys go I know some people probably didn't like the last chapter. Anyway Louis and Buffy what about Niall what's he gonna think that Louis and Buffy are hitting it off and they're supposed to be getting married.




Kidnapped by one direction(watty awards 2012)1D vampire fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now