Chapter 26

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Buffy's POV

Niall walked over to Louis and he grabbed me and threw me off the bed,then punched Louis in the face they were at it again. I had to stop this so I grabbed Niall and tried to pull him away but he just pushed me away I slapped him in the face to get his attention but then he pushed me harder. So I walked out and Liam and Harry were coming up to stop them from fighting.

"You bastard stay away from her or your dead!" I heard Niall yell.

"Oh come on Niall she wanted to drink from me, she loves both of us don't you get that. we both marked her and the only way to break that mark is for her to have sex with someone else, so she wouldn't be doing that any soon with you always on her case!" Louis yelled back he did have a point thou wait what am I saying.

* 1day later*

Renee's POV

So I'm making tea for myself since I'm not one of them. I'm making fried rice since its my favorite. I'm cutting up the veggies in it and I cut my finger.

"Ow fuck" I said then turned around to get a band aid from the drawer and Harry was there.

"Hey haz can you please move so I can get a band aid" he looked at my finger then started smirking.

"You don't need a bandaid for that I'll take care of it" he said then grabbed my hand then licked my finger I tried to pull back,but he was to strong. He looked at my eyes the his fangs came out and pulled my wrist up to his mouth.

"Louis help Harry's trying to bite me help!" I yelled Harry just smirked and covered my mouth with his hand. I saw Louis come up and pull Harry away from me told him something and Harry walked away Louis looked at my cut. He bit into his wrist and brought his wrist to my mouth. I refused but he grabbed the back of my head and gave me his blood it tasted nice and sweet just like him. I started to really enjoy it, he pulled out and his bite healed. He started to kiss me then he grabbed my cheeks and must've snapped my neck cause I heard a snap then everything went dark...

A/N oooh cliffhanger hope you guys liked this one Renee really hasn't had a moment to herself so I gave her one. K bye




Kidnapped by one direction(watty awards 2012)1D vampire fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now