Chapter 13: Wyndon Boy

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When Abbey arrived to the experiment room the next morning, having been soaked by someone's Pelipper, she was startled. Hop wasn't only on time, but looking ashen amidst familiar visitors. Chatting to him was Looker, the International Police officer who'd been grilling Sonia. Behind him, his boss Anabel's cold gaze was fixed on Victor in his crumpled overalls. He'd shared dinner with them last night. He now bred starter Pokémon for the new Trainers of Galar. Abbey no longer wanted to thank him for ending Leon's reign as Champion.

Looker, wearing the same brown trench coat he always wore, strode to shake Abbey's hand. 'Alola! Bonjour! It is I, Looker! Alas, it's unfortunate we meet again in these circumstances...'

Man, he's even weirder than I remember. She peered around him at her fellow Battle Tree boss, Anabel. Her battles were rare, but her losses were rarer. With her strength and distant demeanour, she was mildly terrifying. Abbey knew that underneath she was compassionate – and pushed herself far too hard – but Hop and Victor did not.

'Hey, Anabel? What's happening?'

Her lilac eyes swivelled to her friend. 'Hi, Abbey.'

Victor looked relieved when Abbey stood between them. Up close, Anabel looked even wearier than usual. She'd lost weight. It was as if she read Abbey's mind. She had that unsettling ability.

'I've been chasing this case for months. I think we're finally getting closer to closure... congratulations, by the way. On your experiments.'


The doors opened. Abbey glanced back. Leon froze, looking momentarily stricken as he recognised Anabel. She smiled, undoubtedly recalling the same memory of wiping the floor with him in the Championships. He debated retreating before sitting awkwardly on the bench. Anabel turned back to Abbey.

'I can't tell you everything, but we may need to borrow your friend and his Eternatus.'

'They can,' Victor squeaked, 'I already agreed.'

'If you find out anything – about the process, potential criminals, anything at all – we need to know.'

Leon stood. 'There was this weird woman. Asking questions about my Charizard. And the other day, another weird challenger...'

'I see...'

Anabel, heading for the door, beckoned him. 'May we speak in private?'

His coach's mask was back on. If he was afraid of her, he didn't show it. 'Of course.'


Abbey began to look forward to her 5AM start. She no longer stared at her phone for half an hour before getting up, but zipped out of bed for a hasty breakfast before a refreshing morning walk to the monorail station. Well, she called it a walk, but she felt more like skipping. Her heart certainly was. At the same time, she continued diverting her eyes from those Battle Tower ads – let alone the real deal – because she hated herself for feeling so sentimental about anyone. Taking a seat in a quiet carriage, she considered her six missed calls from Alfie. She could have called him, because it was 9:30PM in Orre, but she plugged in her headphones to call Acerola instead. Her best friend expected her. She was joined at Aether House by Olivia and Hau, the kahuna of Melemele Island.


'Where'd you two appear from?!'

Olivia tutted. 'Think you can get away with keeping this between you and Acerola? No way! Come on. You must know how to pronounce it by now.'

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