Chapter 53: The Shadow Pokémon Task Force

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Acerola giggled in the living room. Cars rumbled outside. Abbey barely slept. She woke up only a few minutes after Leon left. It wasn't that she didn't trust him. She was afraid he was lost or hurt. When he relaxed he slept like a Snorlax, so something unsettled him. Acerola sent her Drifblim out, but by the time it returned, they received Olivia's text.

Picked up a stray Wyndon Boy at the ruins. I'll let him explain himself if he wants to.

He was frank when she dropped him off: he felt as if he was called to the Ruins of Life, or even guided there. It indeed appeared he was, since the kahuna was summoned, too. Abbey knew what kind of discussion they had, with minds seemingly linked in Tapu Lele's Psychic Terrain. She uncertainly watched Leon's shadow in her dark room.

'And what did she find?'

He laughed. 'You're like Tapu Lele... there's nothing I can hide from you.'

'Maybe 25 years of shared obsession makes Psychic Terrain.'

'Well, it wants to test me, apparently.'

Abbey had no idea why Tapu Lele would want to test Leon, of all people, but she wondered if her plan for their final week was entirely her own idea... or if the deity had an influence.

'Then I know what to do.'

She chose not to tell him. It would be a greater test, sure to impress the guardian, without any warning. He pulled her close and they shut their eyes to sleep, but he was tense and restless.

'Are you sure that's all you learned out there, Leon?'

'I felt...'

'You can tell me.'

'It was like – like Olivia had an idea of me, some preconception way bigger than overuse of "champion time" – that didn't match what Tapu Lele showed her. I know it sounds crazy, but...'

'It's not crazy. I've felt like I read her mind in those ruins. Tapu Lele likes to mess with her, too. But what would she have thought? I've not said that much to her, other than the jokes.'

'I don't think it was about jokes. It was like...'

Without realising, he was clutching Abbey's shirt. 'Like... someone had told her I'm...'



He relayed their entire conversation to her. With that off his chest, he dozed off. Abbey still couldn't sleep. Her mind reeled, thinking of the day he fainted and his anxious Pokémon, trying to tell her it was a regular occurrence. Suspicions she shared with Hop – that it was linked not just to exhaustion, but his refusal to eat – were confirmed. Her patience for whatever amused Acerola was nonexistent. Leon managed to laugh politely. It was a picture of Raihan, halfway out of Olivia's bed, snoring.

'He'll be happy.'

Two phones buzzed. A message arrived, under reactions to the photo, in their group chat. Acerola grimaced.

'Hey, Abbey...'

Abbey pushed her Pinap Juice aside. She groggily picked up her phone, but her eyes flitted back to Leon, to check he was eating the omelette Acerola made. He noticed. She apologised, but he wasn't annoyed.

'Apparently I need my strength for this test, anyway. And...'

Her mind drifted from wondering what 'and' meant. She was startled by the unusually hostile tone of the message she read.

Olivia: Which one of you little shits thought this was funny????

Attached was a screenshot of a VCP article. The header was split into two photos: the one she shared of Raihan and another of Olivia and Leon, walking across Memorial Hill in the dead of night. She was accused of 'playing' them both. Acerola's voice was a nervous squeak.

'But – no-one in our chat would ever...'

Olivia: I know it was one of you. I ONLY sent that photo to this group. And I guess you're gonna send anything I say to those Mandibuzz too huh? Well I'm gonna say it anyway. Fuck. You.

Abbey swallowed a nervous lump. She scrolled through the names in the chat: Hau, Pualani, Abbey, Acerola, Burnet, Olivia. Burnet hadn't even seen the photo yet. It couldn't possibly have been Hau, Pualani or Acerola. Cutlery clinked. Leon watched her, worried. At least his plate was clean.

'You alright?'

'I can't – believe it!' Acerola blurted out before Abbey could consider responding, 'Someone in our group chat sent that photo to the VCP!'

Leon knew now, so there was no point in hiding anything. Abbey showed him the article. He sighed.

'Now I'm shagging Olivia? To get at Raihan? Really?'

'But who...?'

'Well, I know where the cemetery footage came from. There were ghost hunters filming me even when I arrived. But the Raihan one... could a phone have been hacked?'

Uncomfortable silence fell. Acerola collected the plates to shake it off. Leon glanced at Abbey.

'Bit of a coincidence that she seemed to have some preconceived idea about me and now I've been accused of shagging her – alongside a leaked private photo. It wasn't Hau or his wife. I don't remember who Burnet is. Someone else is stirring the pot.'


All 13 members of the Shadow Pokémon Task Force sat around a table in a Wyndon hotel's conference room. At its head was Michael. His red hair flopped over his headband into his weary green eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Carlton, a freckled and gangling junior officer.

'There is literally no point. It's a waste of police – and prison – time.'

Looker surveyed Anabel with concern. She was abnormally distant, staring at the file in the hands she fought to stop shaking. Carlton continued.

'We don't need any more proof. Leon is the culprit.'

A chair clattered. Anabel, eyes blazing with uncharacteristic rage, stood.

'I will not see an innocent man charged!'

Her trembling gaze was fixed on Michael. 'What harm will it do you to authorise the interview? Do you really believe all I am is a pitiful Faller you're paying lip service to?'

'You know I don't.'

'He's just gonna lie,' Carlton protested, 'And they'll suspect we're coming.'

Michael smiled. 'It's quite hard to lie to Anabel. They have no idea when we'll move.'

Rocking back on his chair, Carlton snorted. He thought Anabel was mentally ill. She knew that, even though he only voiced that concern to Michael, because it was indeed impossible to lie to her.

'OK. If you really believe this will help – you can go.'

Anabel snatched her briefcase. Looker sprang up, but she waved him away.

'I'm going alone.'

'But Chief...'

'I can protect myself from a handcuffed prisoner, Looker.'

Her words were cold. The door rocked behind her. Arriving guests, in shorts and t-shirts, stared at the suited officer. She climbed onto Latios. A local policeman asked to see her flying licence. He backed off, awkwardly nodding and smiling, at the sight of the International Police ID backed up by her icy glare.

'I take it you don't need to see my Frontier Pass, too, officer?'

She rarely allowed herself anger. She certainly never let others see it, but she reached boiling point. Latios rocketed off. She steered it over rooftops and billboards, past the rose-shaped stadium, until she spotted the tall fences, topped with barbed wire, that surrounded Wyndon Prison. Her Pokémon shot down for landing without need for command. A guard saluted as she skidded to the ground before the steps. Returning Latios to its Ultra Ball, she released Alakazam. She would need it... but her oldest friend's presence calmed her down regardless. She needed her composure, too. After all, she wasn't just here to prove Leon's innocence... she was here on a mission of her own.

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