Chapter 85: Bad Timing

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The Pokémon Center nurse finishing her shift placed a bag of warm pancakes on the table. Hop wearily glanced up.

'You shouldn't have!'

He reached for his wallet to pay her, but she shook her head. 'You've been working for almost 36 hours!'

Jovi had fallen asleep on the table. Hop didn't realise how hungry he was, or how good these pancakes in Orre were. He gently shook Jovi awake.

'Try these! They're delicious!'

'Oh? I don't really like pancakes... but I am starving.'

She yawned. 'Sorry... I didn't mean to fall asleep.'

'Not to worry. I think it's done. I can't wait for Lee to see all this!'

They wolfed down the pancakes and packed books away. Hop removed his adapter from the socket. An Ace Trainer immediately darted to charge her phone.

The clear sky was black. A refreshing wind cut through heavy heat. Neon pharmacy signs told them it was still 95°F. Jovi translated it to 35°C. Roads were empty, but instead of silence there was the constant, comforting sound of gently rushing water. Most windows were dark. Only streetlight glimmered in the bubbling canals.

A TV buzzed in the hotel's breakfast room. The receptionist was asleep. Hop, drunk on lack of sleep, stumbled to knock on Abbey and Leon's door. There was no response.

'Oi! Lee! Wake up!'

He knocked louder. The awoken receptionist yelled at him to keep it down.

'Abbey? You in there?'

An ONBS broadcast jingled from the TV. Hop heard Leon's name. They trudged in to listen.

'...Head trauma after being pushed off a Red Canyon Park cliff by his own Charizard.'


Jovi was pale when Hop spun to face her. 'I thought he was with Abbey and Michael...'

Hop paused to listen. He was at East Orre Hospital. They saw Abbey and Michael in the waiting room. Blurry fan footage showed the fall. Charizard darted to catch him only seconds after he was pushed. It caught him. His head still hit a rock. Tears sprang to Hop's exhausted eyes.

'I wasn't there... I've come all this way to help him and I wasn't there...'

Jovi squeezed his hand. 'You were trying to help him, Hop.'

'But I wasn't there when he needed me most.'

'He must have run off from Abbey and Michael. He'd probably have run off from you, too.'

Her keys jangled in her hands. In silent agreement they hurried back to the Pokémon Center where the jeep was parked. A drunk staggered towards them. He grabbed Hop's arm.

'He's dead! Cipher forever!'

Jovi's hand shot to slap him. 'Fuck off!'

Leering, he reached to grab her. She flung her clunky boot into his face. He teetered and collapsed. She smiled at Hop's admiration.

'Well, I grew up in the Cipher years, but I'm no Trainer. I had to learn how to defend myself somehow.'

The engine rumbled. She was barely awake enough to drive. Hop repeatedly nudged her as she careered out of the city. He seized the wheel, swerving from the path of a truck, when she fell asleep on the highway. She turned up the radio to keep her awake. The only available station, Live 5 Phenac, was playing Wyndon Boy. News followed.

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