Chapter 46: Final Boarding Call

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Wings flapped. A shadow fell over Sonia, miserably stepping back to look at her grandmother's lab. Two steel feathers fluttered down. Their Flying Taxi was ready to take them to Motostoke International Airport.

'It's just two weeks.' Jovi half-heartedly suggested, though she wasn't particularly happy about flying 7,000 miles when she only just arrived in Galar.

Hop, at least, was excited. He couldn't wait to meet new Pokémon and Alola's professors. Abbey was pleasantly surprised that once Leon's students assured him they could run the Battle Tower for two weeks – because Victor was going, too – he eagerly accepted. He saw it as a training opportunity and, that aside, genuinely believed he was going on holiday with his girlfriend; for he was the only one unaware the trip was arranged and funded by the International Police.

Seeing his serene smile, Abbey was excited, too. She told her mother. After all, she had known Leon for 25 years. Her friends were still unaware. The previous night, she apologetically warned Leon he was a running joke until recently, but he just laughed.

'It'll be ever so satisfying when I see their faces.'

Hop squeezed Sonia's hand as the taxi took off. She looked about to cry. He assured her the lab would be safe, because he asked Anabel what would happen if an attack occurred while they were gone.

'They won't attack,' Anabel answered firmly, 'Unless they are attacked... which won't happen until you return. Train up. Prepare yourselves for Pokémon and tactics you've never seen.'

Wedgehurst was already fading to the lush hills, dotted with barns and grazing Pokémon, leading to the Wild Area. Colourful smudges on winding roads marked the cars crawling from schools to homes. Hop craned his neck to see Postwick atop its hill. Leon didn't bother. He clung to Abbey's hand. When their eyes met, he smiled as if a shadow had lifted. Hop pointed to Motostoke Stadium as the Wild Area was interrupted by the city's industrial spread.

'That's where the legend of Hop truly began!'

Jovi beamed. Apprehension faded. Her eyes were wide as she excitedly snapped photos.

'Really? Is that the first Gym?'

'No, but it's where my year's opening ceremony was!'

'Awesome! Y'know, we have stadiums in Orre, too – but we call them colosseums.'

'Yeah! Lee told me. Or maybe I read it in one of his many books I stole.'

Leon nodded politely. 'I hear you might be getting an official league.'

'Oh, yes,' Jovi said uncertainly, 'I think Michael's mentioned that.'

'The new stadium in Gateon Port looks good. Seeing his plans for Citadark Isle makes me wish we had a Victory Road!'


Sonia managed a smile before she burst out laughing. 'Don't worry, Jovi. I'm like you. Quite happy to just study with Yamper.'

She blushed. 'Oh, dear. I think Hop and Lee know more about Orre's battle scene than I do.'

She already picked up Leon's nickname from Hop. Abbey called him Lee, once, before Hop was even born. It was yet to come naturally to her now. Jovi sighed.

'I really would like to see more of Galar...'

'We've got four hours,' Hop suggested, 'I could show you a bit of Motostoke.'

'Really? I'd love that!'

Her face lit up and Hop's did in turn. 'Then let's go!'

Before his friends could argue, he leaned to stab at the button allowing them to speak with the driver.

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