Chapter 60: Doubts

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'So who won?'

Arriving to the Pokémon Center in Heahea City, Abbey instantly regretted her question. Hop was sobbing into his brother's shoulder. Concerned friends and strangers surrounded them. Victor was nowhere to be seen. The nurse treating Leon's Pokémon wasn't really paying attention. Abbey could hardly back off. Leon was staring straight at her, as if hoping she might be able to help. She hesitantly stood beside him. Sonia seemed about to cry, too. For a moment she wondered if Victor had whipped out a Shadow Pokémon... then Hop looked up at his brother and Abbey saw he was beaming.

'Bit emotional,' Leon casually explained, 'Like Raihan might feel when he finally wins.'

'Hey!' Raihan yelled, 'I've not been that far off!'

Abbey awkwardly cleared her throat. 'Congrats, Hop.'

'What – you won?!'

Hop turned to glare playfully at Sonia. 'That surprised, are you?'

'Sorry. I assumed sobbing for 15 minutes meant you'd tragically lost.'

'He wiped the floor with him!'

Leon was beaming now, too. 'Without Zacian!'


Hop wiped his runny nose on his sleeve, but tears continued to streak down his smiling cheeks. 'And – and Lee was there to see it.'

Those words hit Abbey like a Max Rockfall. It wasn't just finally defeating Victor he was crying about. It was his brother, the father figure he adored so choosing to stay to cheer him on; not out of obligation, but because he wanted to. That was when Leon completed his trial. She saw that same understanding on the faces of Sonia, Raihan and even Jovi, too.

'Is, er, is Victor alright?'

Raihan's question felt almost inappropriate, but Leon happily answered. 'He's fine. Hau took him to the Pokémon Center in Seafolk Village. His Pokémon were in bad shape.'

Olivia smirked. She knew, sooner or later, she'd be called back to the Ruins of Life... but Leon wouldn't be leaving his brother's side any time soon. Perhaps Tapu Lele knew that, or set it as one final test, too; because no-one felt compelled to find their way to the ruins that night. Leon went with Hop to Raine's house. Abbey stayed in her flat. A selfish part of her didn't want to miss out on any time with him after their years apart, but she knew – and Olivia reminded her – that if she wanted their relationship to have a chance at lasting, she couldn't be selfish when it came to his unresolved issues.

'Do you want it to last?' Acerola asked, 'You must be careful after...'


Abbey smiled as she filled the gaps left by Alfie with new photos from their trip. 'I've never really felt like this before, so it's hard to say, but right now, Ace, I have to be honest with you... I'm terrified of losing him.'

Acerola didn't share her smile. 'I really like him. We're even hair twins! I hope it works out, but...'

'I know. It's not ideal after... well, I've kind of forgotten Alfie existed, but that's why it's risky, innit? I'm just... it's so weird, Ace! I don't even want to dominate him. We have this thing where we, like, fight for dominance and... I like it! I never thought I'd say that, but I'm satisfied enough just... I guess what I'm saying is... caring about a partner feels weird.'

She grimaced. 'And I'm wondering, like, why did I ever date anyone else if they didn't make me feel like he does? Or am I fulfilling this weird love-hate obsession with this bloke I knew and it won't last?'

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