Chapter 25: Misunderstanding

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Abbey apologised profusely to Hop and Sonia. The work at Wedgehurst Pokémon Research Lab was not done. It was them, not the winners, the International Police asked to stay on standby. Though they returned to a smashed window at the lab, Alfie was gone. Abbey wasn't reacting publicly, so there was nothing more he could say. It was the last time his fame would scare her, the last time her life would be dictated by her relationship with a celebrity and the last time she would even think of abandoning her friends.

Work at the Battle Tower wasn't done, either. Leon was now training his students specifically for the World Championships. Besides, Abbey and Hop agreed with a wink, they had to stick around to make sure he wasn't working too hard.

Still, Abbey was anxious about her first class after the drama. She put off boarding the monorail until an elderly lady from a nearby flower shop asked if she was alright. A clock's chime announced 5:45AM. She was late... but she didn't mind, because she arrived to hear Leon sternly assuring them he had not been gaslit and calling Alfie a 'Garbodor.' She waited, letting him finish his speech, to push open the door.

'You're late!'

'Sorry. I was actually just enjoying your speech.'

She was surprised when he laughed. 'Well, everything I said was true!'

The students mirrored his smile. He reminded her on the plane that they did know her. They knew she wasn't aggressive. They knew Leon got hurt, many times, during his own drills. If he was still in pain now, he was hiding it well... but then that was one of his talents.

He joined her willingly for their walks now. They both saw each other at their most vulnerable. There was no longer any point in hiding it.

At the end of the day, Abbey paused in the locker room to listen to the radio, to another song by the singer of Wyndon Boy about hoping she'd never lose him. It summed up her evolving feelings. She barely noticed the door swing open.

'Thinking about Wyndon Boy?'

'You know... after all that, I don't think I want to get involved anymore.'

'Can I have this dance, then?'

Leon saw her glance around.

'I don't care who's looking.'

But you are Wyndon Boy and I've just said I didn't want to get involved. But maybe as my friend...

Taking his hand, she hesitantly laid the other on his shoulder. He placed his around her waist. They spun around and around until they were dizzy and shared giddy smiles. The song ended. He seemed reluctant to let her go... but upon thinking that, Abbey hastily stepped back. They bid each other goodnight on the monorail platform.

Abbey printed the photo of them at Unity Tower. She propped it up on her hotel room's desk. Those Battle Tower ads were still crawling by on buses outside. Her heart fluttered without her head's approval, but her subconscious mind apparently felt the same way, brushing aside her nightmares of Alfie humiliating her to dream only of she and Leon endlessly dancing in that cramped locker room.

He doesn't want to let me go, sleeping Abbey thought, so I won't let him.

Then the door burst open and there were the paparazzi. She awoke feeling embarrassed.

Acerola returned from her tour the next day. Abbey, eager to finally talk to her best friend, waited in the classroom – not wanting to appear as if she was waiting for Leon to ask her to dance again in the locker room – for her call. Acerola apparently read her messages as soon as she had a signal. She exploded when Abbey answered.

'That loser! That lying, cheating loser! I hope he gets haunted every day of his life!'

Leon, carrying a mop and bucket to clean up a poison stain, wandered in. He gestured to the door, asking if she wanted him to go. Abbey shook her head. She didn't want to be rude.

'Well – how was your tour?'

'Forget my tour. That – that Grimer! What's he doing training when he's supposed to be acting, anyway?! Not that I believe he's got that much better... I know I'm biased – and I haven't seen the video yet – but really? Cinderace missed that badly?'

'I don't know. I have watched the video – and it looks like it was just an accident. He seemed pretty genuine.'

'But now we know he's sneakier than a Mimikyu!'

'Well, yeah, but... I still want to know who was filming it. They must have been hidden well, or Leon would've seen them.'

'Man, Leon! I can't believe he tried that!'

Her shrill voice filled the room. 'When he knows you hate Leon! You've always hated Leon! And you probably always will!'

Excruciating silence hung. Abbey heard footsteps. Leon made no eye contact as he swept by.

'Oh, no!' Acerola squeaked, 'I – I didn't mean it – like that!'

Leon slammed the door. Yanking it back open and tossing aside her phone, Abbey jogged after him into the corridor. She called his name, but his back remained turned. He began to run. Trainers stopping to greet him went ignored. They bewilderedly glanced at Abbey. Her chasing an uncharacteristically aloof Leon was not a sight anyone expected to see. Emerging out into the lobby, a Youngster told his friends it must have been one of Leon's drills.

He can't go much further in those boots.

They were out on the plaza, past the carefully manicured hedges surrounding it into the streets.


He paused only momentarily before bolting towards the bridge. Abbey's boots pounded the tarmac. Back on the Gym Challenge, she couldn't keep up with him. Alola's wild landscape forced her to get fitter, but her legs still began to ache as she reached the bridge.

Surely he really can't go much further in those boots, now?!

He skidded to a halt when a group of tourists blocked his way. One asked for his autograph. He shoved them aside. Stunned, they parted for Abbey. The obstruction shrank the space between them. Then a fist flew at Abbey. A girl with an Alfie tattoo screamed at her. Pushing past, she raced after Leon, but she lost sight of him. She stopped to scan the area as she reached the end of the bridge.

Leon wore himself out. He was doubled up, clutching his knees, on the riverside path. Abbey sprinted the remaining distance before he could run again.

'I don't hate you! I swear I don't hate you! You're my friend!'

When he straightened up, she was startled to find his stricken eyes overflowed with tears.

'Well, my "friend" – there's something I have to tell you.'

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