Chapter 73: Lugia's Song

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The ambulance's food supplies were gone. No-one dared send Pokémon out to search for food. They had to contact Anabel somehow. Only Harpreet wouldn't be recognised, but she'd have to cross the lake and walk all the way to Hammerlocke to reach a phone box. Raihan suggested a sandstorm. Everyone groaned. It wasn't an option.

Leon had given up caring about Cipher. All he wanted was to be reunited with Charizard, even if it meant handing himself in. Janice instructed him to lay on the stretcher. She said it was because he was weak, but everyone knew it was to stop him running off.

Across the lake, Trainers began to roam. Max Raid Battles raged. The weather changed rapidly. Their hiding spot was no longer so secluded, but by now police had to know they were looking for an air ambulance. They couldn't move. Noon passed. Sirens whirred in the distance. It seemed Harpreet walking to Hammerlocke was their only option... and, if nothing else, at least she'd escape police and get her life back.

There was a commotion outside. It appeared the approaching Trainers weren't looking for Pokémon... but a reward for finding Leon. Janice locked the doors. Abbey, Hop and Raihan prepared to battle.

'That must be them!'

'I saw him! I saw Raihan's hat!'

A Pokémon Breeder waded into the lake. His friends pushed past him. He couldn't swim and lost his footing. Sudden gusts of ferocious wind flung them out of the water onto the shore. A head clunked the door. Fists pummelled it. Someone's Pikachu tried to zap the lock.

'Give up! You're surrounded!'

'We're really about to get P2,000,000!' a woman gleefully cried, 'And I'm gonna have some fun with Leon!'

Hop clutched Abbey's arm when it angrily shot to the door. Shrieks echoed. A great shadow was cast. From above came a high-pitched, eerie song. Like a heavenly bell, it reached through clouds and walls alike to penetrate the mind, enveloping the area in an ethereal blanket. The Trainers splashed back into the lake. Harpreet grabbed Janice's hand.

'I feel like... are we already dead?! Is this what death sounds like? It's not scary, but...'


Leon stood. 'That's Lugia's song.'

Silent tears dampened his face. They eroded the twinkling amber that trapped memories his eyes had long forgotten.

'I wish mum could hear this.'

'Michael,' Hop quietly confirmed, 'But... is he here to arrest us or...?'

'Does it matter?'

Leon glanced back at his friends. 'Those people have seen us. He'll probably see us soon. We're absolutely fucked. And I'd rather be in prison knowing Charizard is safe than hiding to save myself.'

'But Lee...'

'Let me go, Hop.'

Hop clung to his brother's hand. 'But if he arrests you...'

'I have to go. I have to find Charizard. No matter what happens to me... and, well, if he arrests me, maybe they'll stay away from you lot.'

He tugged his hand from Hop's grip. It was replaced by Abbey's.

'I said I'd never leave you again. And I meant it. I'm coming with you.'

Hop's face crumpled. 'Then I'm coming, too!'

Leon didn't argue. Janice unlocked the door. They stepped out. Lugia circled in skies that seemed to clear for its gently fading song. Leon laid down his Poké Balls and held up his arms. Hop and Abbey reluctantly followed. The legendary Pokémon turned its head to alert its Trainer. They began to descend. The angry Gyarados calmly disappeared as Lugia came to a soft landing in the lake. Its neck dropped. Michael and Anabel climbed down. Seeing their surrendered Poké Balls, Michael laid down his own.

'I owe you an apology on behalf of my entire team, Mr Fayed.'

'I don't need an apology, officer... I just want to know what's happened to Charizard. If he caused any trouble, it was entirely my fault.'

'Not at all. I'm – afraid we don't know his exact location.'

'But you have an idea?'

Michael's emerald eyes rounded with sorrow. He fidgeted with his sleeves, trying and failing to find comforting words.

'One of my officers entrusted him to Randal. He mistakenly thought he could trust the Champion. As his chief, I take the blame.'

Leon's arms dropped. His eyes searched for somewhere to run, but he was too weak to slip past 17'01" Lugia. Michael extended a hand.

'Please, come with us to Motostoke. We'll search for Charizard together. I snagged 83 Shadow Pokémon from Cipher once and I can do it again.'

'We can trust him,' Abbey said quietly, eyeing Anabel, 'Can't we?'

Anabel nodded. 'Yes. I've presented the evidence, including the footage you gave me, Leon... and my colleagues are in no doubt that you've been framed.'

'Well, I don't have time to go to Motostoke! I need to go straight to the factory!'

'I promise we'll go,' Michael assured him, 'It's probably too late to stop them turning Charizard into a Shadow Pokémon. We need to prepare to ensure we get him back.'

He saw Leon glance back at the ambulance. 'You can't keep travelling in that. Local police are looking for you and I'd like to tell you they'd listen to us, but we're aware of at least one bribe. Come on. Get your friends. They're not safe here, either.'

Leon had no choice. He knocked on the ambulance door. Abbey had to admit she was relieved. Their friends nervously filed out. Janice glanced back, feeling terribly guilty, at the abandoned vehicle as Michael passed them safety gear. Hop's excitement about the legendary Pokémon bubbled over. Lugia's great wings flapped. The erupting wind nudged the ambulance. Clouds swallowed them. Motostoke's russet skyline rose in the distance. The stadium's roof opened. Lugia dipped to land on the pitch. The Gym Leader, Kabu, cordially greeted them. Michael explained he too reached out to Looker about the same match that concerned Leon, but Leon wasn't really listening. All he could think about was Charizard. Kabu understood. He swiftly led them to rental cars in the staff car park. He drove one. To everyone's surprise, the other was driven by Ballonlea's cocky Gym Leader, Bede. It was a bigger surprise when he called Hop his friend, though he still said it with a smirk, so it didn't sound as sincere as it was.

Once they were safely hidden in Kabu's house, they removed their safety gear. Bede was gone before anyone could thank him. Victor, on the sofa with Kabu's wife and great-niece Flannery, rushed to hug his best friend.

'I was so worried, mate...'

Hop stood back, grinning. 'Bede actually called me his friend! Not sure I'd say the same for him...'

'OK,' Michael announced, 'I know how nervous you are, Leon, so let's get straight to the point. You're here because we can't risk taking you guys elsewhere, so you must stay indoors, curtains shut, until we move – which will be as soon as we have everyone together and a concrete plan. Unfortunately, our Alolan comrades are delayed, so it'll be tomorrow at the earliest.'

Leon groaned. Seeing his wounds, Kabu's wife insisted he sat. He was resigned. As impatient as he was, he couldn't disrespect Kabu's kindness and bolt.

'However,' Michael continued, 'Kabu has trained around Peak Park and has kindly offered to accompany Anabel there tonight to finalise our entry plans. They'll do their best to get an update on Charizard.'

Kabu nodded. 'I'd recognise him anywhere.'

'Thank you.'

Leon's voice came out as a weary croak. 'I'd like to go, too, but I guess you lot won't let me.'

'You must rest,' Janice quietly insisted, 'Especially if you're still hoping to go to the factory.'

'Of course I am! They've got Charizard! And at this point I want to crush the lot of them...'

'We will,' Michael said, 'Together. I can promise you that.'

He turned to the window. Though the thick curtains were hastily drawn, it was as if he saw through them.

'Just a matter of time... and I think I might know what Nanu's found.'

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