Chapter 59: The Real Trial

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Abbey let that image unsettle her. Vaporeon was hurt more than was necessary in her next battle with a prowling Scientist and his Magnezone. Haxorus couldn't climb the next ladder. Leon slung her backpack over his shoulder. She saw him wince, but he was gone before she could argue. He made the mistake of leaning on a sharp rock that sliced through his sleeve, leaving a gash on his arm. Abbey doubted her first-aid skills as she bandaged it, especially since he seemed so experienced, but he smiled and assured her she was doing well.

Pink sunset flooded the sky over the next bridge. They were disheartened by how little progress they'd made. Everything was beginning to look the same. Leon wondered if they too were walking around in circles and they'd crossed this bridge before. Abbey glanced up at the ornate pillar, marked with symbols representing the sun and moon, beside them. Had they seen that one before? She wasn't sure. This was their third day on the road. Hop and Victor had to be catching up, unless they were lost too. She wasn't sure if they were with Hau. They wanted to carry on, but that might have been their next trial: accepting they needed to rest and regroup. Abbey pitched the tent in the pillar's shadow. Several Ace Trainers passed as they ate dinner, illuminating the dusk with Electric-type moves.

'Some people know this place like the back of their hand,' Abbey said, 'I sort of want to be that person one day, although I guess then it wouldn't be so challenging, would it?'

'Well, that'll never be me! If I was alone, I'd be that Hiker. I don't care if I have to carry your bag. You've saved my life numerous times without realising!'

Abbey smiled as she brushed dust off Ninetales. Leon examined Vaporeon's and Charizard's wounds.

'It's so long, I'd forgotten how this feels... being miles from a Pokémon Center and panicking about wounds you can't heal.'

'Too bad Janice isn't here.'

'Well, I prefer it like this... just us. I don't really enjoy being around people who don't care about training as much as I do...'

'I felt like my main rival's personal terminator on my island challenge. I invited him to the Battle Tree, but he got really discouraged and I didn't really know how to console him. I bet you could.'

'He'd be welcome at the Battle Tower.'

'...Are you scared you're lost yet?'

'Not really. We'll make it through together. Won't we?'

The next morning, across the bridge, they were surprised to see a familiar face. Hau helped the lost Hiker onto a Charizard. A mischievous-looking Pokémon, garish purple with a pink stomach, floated beside him.

'Howzit, Abbey? Leon? Hope you're not as lost as this guy!'

Abbey shook her head. 'I certainly hope not. Do you actually know where you're going?'

He cheerfully displayed a clear map of the canyon and their location on his Rotom Dex. 'Naw! But I do have Rotom. Don't need GPS for him to show me the way!'

'Where can I get one?' Leon asked, 'That might be the answer to all my problems...'

'Just tell Kukui you'll gather data on some Galarian moves for him – he'll give you one free!'

'I think I will... by the way, what's that Pokémon you have there? I've never seen it before!'

'It's Poipole – all the way from another world! A buddy left it with us and it's so curious, I thought I'd bring it on an adventure!'

'It looks so cool! Have you seen Hop and Victor?'

'Not since I left 'em at the entrance. I'm not in any hurry, so I'm gonna go battle some of the Trainers I spotted before that guy! Alola!'

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