Chapter 54: Wyndon Prison

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Keys jangled. A door creaked. Alakazam hovered beside Anabel as she waited, in a sterile room with no windows, for a prisoner. They offered to handcuff him. She refused. He could move freely.

Knock-knock-knock. The door opened. Anabel's male colleagues repeatedly warned her she was endangering herself, but she was unafraid of looking up, past the reflective bands on crumpled grey trousers, into the prisoner's green eyes. Her eyes flitted to the guard.

'You can leave us, officer.'

He hesitated. His eyes wrinkled as if to express concern. She repeated her command, more firmly this time. He withdrew. The door clicked shut. She extended a hand. Her silver ID badge glinted in the other. The prisoner, appearing pleasantly surprised, shook her hand.

'Hello there...'

He glanced at her badge. 'Anabel. How can I help?'

'Just so you know, Mr. Moore, our conversation will be recorded. I have a few questions for you.'

'Yes? What might they be? You know, I don't get many visitors.'

'Really? Is there someone you expected to see?'

'I hoped I might see Champion Leon just once, but he's never been.'

Rose wasn't lying. His thoughts were as they sounded; merely drifting.

'I do worry about him... but I apologise, officer. I tend to ramble. The longer I spend in here, the worse my little habit gets...'

'What makes you worry about Leon?'

'I left him my Rose Tower. I've heard all about how he's converted it, but I can't help feeling it must have been hard on him.'

'I'm sure you must be worried, then... but you get updates on him?'

'Oh, no, I wouldn't ask so much of anyone. Fortunately, he's often on the news.'

They're not in touch... I'd already ruled that out... but now I'm certain.

'Do you think he worries about you, too?'

'He must, don't you think? There in Rose Tower. We were close, you know.'

'A little too close, wouldn't you say, Mr Rose?'

He shrugged. There was no guilt in his eyes, bright in the sallow light.

'I'd deny it out of respect for Leon, but since you seem to know, officer – yes. Leon and I were a little too close.'

'He was very young – only nine – when he first met you. How do you think that might affect him now?'

'Officer, if you're here to charge me for relations with a minor, there's nothing to fear. I'll plead guilty.'

I didn't think he'd protest... but he's so relaxed, so devoid of guilt... it's disgusting.

'Why haven't you admitted it before?'

'As I said – out of respect for Leon.'

'Leon wasn't your only victim. Why expect him to visit?'

'Officer, I don't expect you to understand, but Leon wasn't my "victim." I loved him, like I'd never loved anyone else... and he loved me, too.'

Rampaging Guzzlord are more pleasant to deal with than this pedophile... but I mustn't let that sidetrack me.

'And what effect do you think your "love" might have had?'

'Did Leon put you up to this?'

'Why would he?'

'I just wondered if he thinks of me. That's all.'

'What if he wanted to press charges?'

'Of course I wouldn't stop him.'

'I take it you don't feel your "love" could have had any negative effect?'


Appearing finally resigned, as if there was a flicker of denied guilt, he avoided Anabel's gaze.

'Whatever he – feels... Leon's a brave lad. He could survive anything and come out stronger. If you're asking if he might have inherited my... faults... the answer is no. His heart's so pure... it could never be corrupted.'

That was the confession Anabel needed. She was certain Rose was unaware of the Shadow Pokémon plan and any need to 'cover' for Leon. Though it was by utterly disgraceful means, he was the only person who knew Leon through those years of darkness when all others were barricaded out. He believed his heart was 'pure.' Anabel took eight photos from her briefcase.

'Thank you, Mr. Moore. Since you've expressed willingness to plead guilty... I'd like to ask you to confirm you had relations with the boys in these photos.'

Rose blankly responded 'yes' as she placed each one before him. Anabel knew it was true, because six of them confirmed it when she reached out, but she still felt sick to her stomach. Now it was recorded. These kids would finally get justice. It wasn't Anabel's job, but she couldn't bear to think of that case closed, dusty in a warehouse drawer, when she could easily solve it as part of her current mission... and she was one step closer to proving Leon's innocence. With such serious impending charges, Rose could be placed in solitary confinement, where even Carlton couldn't speculate he was at risk of passing information on.

She curtly bid Rose goodbye. It wasn't just him who disgusted her. It was also her colleagues who insinuated he was a child's 'boyfriend,' as if that could ever be consensual, with no concern for the child in question. She returned to the hotel to type up her report.

I will fight for you, Leon... this is why I remained with the International Police. I know you're innocent... and I will do everything in my power to prove it.

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