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Clear blue sky glowed over a vibrant celebration in Konikoni City. The last empty chairs were filled. Friends and strangers awaited a bride.

'Were you this nervous?'

Raihan turned to his best man, but as always Leon was distracted. His unruly son had run off from Guzma, the resident babysitter and a battle was about to break out in the aisle.

'Fayiz! Don't even think about it! Sorry, Raihan... what did you say?'

'Never mind...'

'Oh, Lee,' Hop snickered from the first row, 'Never change.'


Hau, acting as kahuna, nudged Raihan. 'You'll forget you were ever nervous in a few minutes.'

'Will I?'

Indeed, as soon as he saw Olivia, in her flowing white dress gently ruffled by the ocean breeze, his nerves faded. Cassia and Amber tossed petals behind her. Hau bound the couple's hands with green rings of fresh leaves. He blew his grandfather's horn to announce the marriage when they kissed. Crowds, extending far past the arranged chairs, clapped and cheered.

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A great feast, accompanied by music, began. Now no-one could stop Fayiz challenging Scarlet. Amber, grumbling to her Charmeleon, wandered from the commotion to the cape overlooking the ocean. Sunset dyed the choppy waves deep orange. Her father caught up to her.

'Had enough?'

He rubbed his eyes. 'Can't blame you. You know I've not been keen on noise since the accident.'

'I've had enough of Fayiz. "I'm the best!" I wish you'd endorse me so I can prove him wrong.'

'I promise I'll endorse you once you've finished school. And I won't endorse Fayiz any sooner.'

She absentmindedly scratched a smiley face into the rail's peeling paint. 'What if someone else endorses him first?'

'They won't. I won't endorse him if he stays this impatient.'

'That's what you think.'

She took Charmeleon's hand. 'But I'm gonna be even bigger than the Galar League.'

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