Chapter 44: Wearing Red

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Abbey tried to call Anabel. Why did Leon tell her he was going to Postwick? Where was he going? Maybe Anabel had something to do with it. Her call went straight to voicemail. She opened the window, wondering if he turned around, but the orange speck in the distance was undeniably heading north, too high to land at Magnolia's house. The Wild Area was next, then Motostoke and the mines. Why couldn't he just take the train? There were two possible reasons – that the train didn't go wherever he was going, or he didn't want to be seen. She didn't believe his intentions could be sinister – after all, if he was stupid enough to take off from the garden in plain sight, he couldn't hide an evil scheme – but he was certainly making himself look suspicious. Perturbed, Abbey stiffly trudged back downstairs.

I should tell Bob... but he might not give Leon the chance to explain himself. I'll wait. I'll wait until he gets back and I'll just ask him. But I'm worried. What if Charizard doesn't know the way wherever he's going? He'll get lost.

Bob went to check in to his B&B, anyway. Abbey sat uneasily at the table. Jovi clicked away at her simulation beside Hop, tipping back on his chair with his arms crossed behind his head. She greeted Abbey with a bright smile.

'Hi, Abbey. I'm going to export these to my Battle Sim program. I've brought the headsets, so you and Hop will be able to try a virtual battle.'

Hop grabbed the table to stop his chair toppling when he tipped too far. 'Can't say I'm looking forward to it.'

Abbey said nothing. She was barely listening. Sonia sauntered over to triumphantly place down her clipboard.

'Finally! Five books are gone in total. Mine, Galar Champions, A Geological History of Hoenn, Regional Forms of Galar and Rose: A Biography. Nothing worth any more than P5,000, thank goodness.'

Jovi glanced up again. 'Are you alright, Abbey? You look a little queasy.'

Sonia sighed. 'You've not had to take another one of those pills, have you?'


'Where's he gone, again?'


'You really do look queasy, Abbey. Are you missing him already?'

'No.' Her answer came out more irritable than she intended.

'You don't have to pretend. I'm sorry I've been a bit harsh. I feel out of my depth, to be honest. I've let it get to me.'

Jovi absentmindedly reached for her shoulder. 'Where's Jolly?'

Hop pointed vaguely to the desk. 'Sounds like he's scratching at something. You ought to get him.'

'Jolly doesn't scratch. He's probably tired of looking at these horrible sims.'

Abbey needed to distract herself. 'Let's try a battle, then.'

Hop reluctantly accepted a sleek silver headset from Jovi. She plugged them into her laptop. The metal was cold on Abbey's cheeks. Sound was muffled by the headphones. It felt like their senses were already muffled, too, as Jovi marched them over to open space before the door. Hop's voice was crystal clear through the headphones.

'Why do we need open space...?'

Her accent seemed stronger when it travelled through her microphone. She was stuffing their arms into cushioned coats.

'Oh, just in case you thrash around. Very common for first-timers to leap and run when an "attack" hits them.'

'Hits them?!'

'Hop, we're talking Shadow Pokémon. They're going to hit you. OK. I'm switching on. Good luck!'

The last mumbles of the lab were silenced. A brightly-lit warehouse materialised. Hop and Dubwool appeared abruptly beside Abbey and Cinderace.

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