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There's people talking.

He could hear them.

But he didn't know where they were.

His head hurt and it was making every noise sound like a surround sound system.

There was a sharp pain in his arm and side, but he couldn't move.

His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he was breathing heavily.

"Sir?!" He hears suddenly. "Sir, are you alright?!"

Attempting to speak, only a groan leaves his throat.

"There's an ambulance on its way right now," a different voice says more calmer than the first. "Just remain calm. Everything will be okay."

Letting out breaths in attempt to get it back to normal, he tries to remember what happened.

Where was he?

He was driving and all of a sudden, he can't move and it hurts to breathe.

He doesn't know how many minutes pass before he hears he loud siren of an ambulance.

It's another couple of minutes before he hears a loud noise directly next to his head.

He feels air on his skin the next instant.

Arms wrap around his torso and under his legs and he's pulled out of what he assumed was his car.

He lets out a pained whimper, trying not to scream.

"Troye? Can you open your eyes for me, baby?" A gentle voice asks.

Slowly, his eyes peel open and tears flood out at the sight of his boyfriend.

He shuts them again as he feels the constant pain in his side.

"You'll be okay. Just stay with me, alright?"

Troye allows his firefighter to carry him to wherever they're going.

Once he feels they've stopped moving and he's lied down on a stretcher he opens his eyes again just enough to see his boyfriend.

"Jacob," he says quietly.

"What, honey?"

"What happened?"

"You were in a car accident. Another driver hit your side-does your side hurt?"


"Okay. They'll check you out in a minute, alright?"

"Don't leave me," Troye panics grabbing onto Jacob's hand.

"Shh, baby, I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm sorry," Troye says after a moment.

"Why are you sorry? It wasn't your fault, it was the other-"

"I never wanted to be someone you'd have to save from a wreck. It just causes stress for you."

Jacob stops speaking and stares at the blond on the stretcher.

He shakes his head in disbelief.

His boyfriend could have died and the only thing he's worried about is stressing his boyfriend out?

"T-Troye, it's my job. It's what I signed up for."

Troye shakes his head, more tears escaping his eyes. "I'm sorry, Jacob," he whispers.

"Don't be sorry, baby. You can't control these things," Jacob whispers, pressing a soft kiss to the boy's head.

He looks up to see a paramedic walking over.

He glances back down at Troye and smiles, "I love you. Y'know that?"

Troye nods slowly as a breathing mask is placed over his mouth, "I love you too."

"I can't go with you right now, sweetheart, I have to stay here. But they're gonna take you to the hospital and make sure everything is okay. Alright? I'll be there as soon as I can."

Troye nods again, "Bye, Jakie."

"I'll see you soon."

Jacob lets out a breath and shuts his eyes as he watches the ambulance drive away with his boyfriend in the back.

It's one thing to see your boyfriend in a car accident, but to have to be the one to actually pull him out of the wreck was more heart shattering than Jacob could have ever imagined.

He always prayed that when their was a call for a wreck, his boyfriend-or a loved one in general-was never in either of the cars involved.

Looking at the wreck on the road, Jacob walks over to help with clean up now that both parties were taken care of.

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