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Present time...


"No, I promise you, the deal is still on, go there and talk them up, you'll manage to ensnare them, I'm sure of it" I tried to ensure my boss, who was painstakingly nagging me about this new deal that he was very sure wanted to leave the contract undone, but I knew differently.

I took a sip of my lukewarm, almost cold, black coffee, setting down the to-go mug on my desk as I looked back onto the computer screen, thinking that the call would end... but I heard my boss sigh heavily for the fifth time during our half and hour long chat. He started speaking, but all I could hear was excuses jumping out of his mouth, like frogs into water.

"No, it's your job... I'm your secretary, I don't do those sort of things" I interrupted him and he chuckled awkwardly by my scolding and I could easily picture him scratching the nape of his neck by my words... I'd known him for quite a while, so I knew how he worked by that point in time.

Instead of waiting for another childish response from him, I said "You know, I don't actually have time for this, I have to look over the schedule, for the meeting that you have at three o'clock today, so goodbye" yet he quickly intervened, before I had managed to click the end call button.

"No, no, no, please don't hang up just yet,I really need you to-" he started, but I quickly cut him off with "No, goodbye now" yet I was relieved when I finally heard him say a quiet, almost innocent and childlike "Okay, goodbye then Yoongi, I'll get going, I'll see you before the meeting"

I breathed out and replied with "Good, now go, goodbye" and I hung up on him, finally being able to put down my work phone on the oak desk, taking another small sip of my bitter coffee.

"Finally" I mumbled in bliss, sinking a bit further into my black chair, letting my head rest for just a moment, as I'd been working for the last six hours without a single break... although that was all my fault. I didn't like not being unoccupied, as I found it easier to get my mind off of certain things if I had had multiple tasks on my hands at once.

I raised my head at the sound of clicking heels coming further and further down the hallway, leading up to my desk outside of mister Jung's office.

"Mister Jung is out I fear" I spoke, although I kept my eyes closed, too tired to formally greet whoever found themselves walking towards my boss' office unannounced.

"Yeah, but as his husband I find it imperative to give him his lunch" I heard a very familiar voice and I smirked before eventually opening my eyes to look at him.

"Oh hi Jin, didn't know it was you" I cheekily commented, a large grin settling on my face and I could see the hint of amusement in his otherwise stern looking eyes... before he broke out into a genuine chuckle.

"It's nice to see you Yoongi, how have you been?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders, my vision settling on the grey wall behind Jung's visitor, one which I had learned was in fact a soft red hue in other's eyes.

As I had worked at four different kinds of jobs up until that point, I had learned that talking about my failed pairing was a subject best left untouched and so, everyone I knew was led on to believe that I was colourblind and that my pairing had died just a week after we'd met.

Everyone believed my story, it wasn't as if it was hard for me to fake a sad expression, I was experienced in those sorts of emotions... there was however one person who always seemed to look through my facade. This person was not my boss which I worked very closely with, nor my parents who called me at least once every weekend, not even the receptionist that knew every secret about everyone in the building, it was Kim Jung Seokjin, the man who stood in front of me.

His hands, which at the time being held in the lunch box, were a bit tense and I scanned his body to then settle on his bright eyes. He had large, warm chocolate eyes, I was always fascinated by him, him and Jung for that matter. Both of them had lost their first pairing to separate tragic accidents, much like the one that I was faking, but their histories were real... they found each other as a form of second chance at love.

I would've been lying if I said anything other than the fact that I greatly envied both of them for it, but at the same time I was also incredibly happy for them. Truly.

Maybe he could see right through me like glass because he knew that the pain I felt wasn't the same as his and Jung's...

I sighed quietly, scanning his body language one more time before nodding half heartedly "I've been good, Jung is working me like always, but it's fine" I eventually spoke and Seokjin just hummed at my response with an unimpressed expression forming on his face. The monotone scenery around me caught my vision once again or maybe it was just my unconscious nervousness acting up by making me hide from any confrontation.

Either way, I settled my dark eyes on the aloe plant placed in the right hand side corner of the small end-room of the corridor. I heard my friend take a deep breath before he started saying "You know Yoongi, I've got this friend..." and I quickly snapped my head at his words, eyes squinted.

"Jin, I promise you it's fine-" I started, not wanting to get into the same conversation for the hundredth time in my life, but before I even had the time to finish, Seokjin interrupted me with an accompanying small smile.

"No, but really" he added with hopeful eyes and I tilted my head with closed eyes, raising my hand to pinch the bridge of my nose tiredly... "Yes?..."

"You know Kim Namjoon yes? His pairing just launched a secondary pairing system, for people like us, I could enlist you if you-" my tallest friend began explaining and I quickly waved my hands at the information he was giving me.

"No offence, but that sounds like a horrible idea" I muttered, taking up the mechanical pencil on my desk, twirling it between my fingers in hope that I'd be able to once again occupy my thoughts with something other than pairings... Kim Jung Seokjin was nice and all, but I needed him to go away by that point. Having him there only brought back my thoughts of my lost pairing and the constant reminder of my colourblindness became all the more prominent.

"Offence taken" he commented, now having crossed his arms over his chest, the box of food tilted... which made my thoughts wander to the possibilities of all its content mushing and getting destroyed... but meh, not like I cared enough to say anything. Instead I settled with "Hey, Jin... you know me, I don't go well with people" whilst looking down at the pencil in my grip and I could notice his eyes rolling from the corner of my own.

"My husband likes you, I like you" he stated as a matter of fact and I couldn't help the small smile and genuine feeling of calmness wash over me, but I tried to get rid of it by hiding my reaction, putting on a stone face, I always felt vulnerable when showing emotions.

"Yeah but that's because you two are weirdos" I spoke back to him with a large grin settling on my mouth and Seokjin let a smirk onto his spotless face. Both of us had a stare down, neither wanting to lose by breaking eye contact and he added "But you still adore us" in a taunting manner. "I can't lie about that" I mumbled quietly, albeit he could most certainly still hear it, since there was only the two of us in the entire corridor.

I saw his focus waver and before I knew it, Seokjin had looked down to his watch, only to take a sharp intake of air while also shaking his head.

"I've gotta go" he explained and I nodded understandingly, although I placed my hand on my forehead in the shape of a L and he chuckled by my actions, slapping my arm down to the table again.

"Either way, I'll guess I'll leave my husband's lunch with you? I've got to get back to work" he stated, before someone else's footsteps could be heard echoing down the incredibly long hallway.


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