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It was the inevitable day of trying to explain everything that was going on in my life and everything that had gone wrong for me to Jimin... I was nervous, panicked, frightened, sad, confused as well as a whole list of other horrible feelings to have all at once.

Seokjin had somehow been able to setup a time for the two of us two meet up and talk it all out, but he obviously hadn't explained what was going on or why the get together was necessary in the first place, so I had to try and come up with a plan all by myself... or well, Jin had helped me, but it ended with both of us just crying whilst hugging each other... something that I'd never admit to anyone out loud, ever, but at least I could shamelessly be my whole true self around him.

I was staring at the clock on my phone, watching as the last digit changed and the hour hit high noon. I had already ordered an espresso, not even because I liked or wanted it, but more so because I needed some sort of activity to preoccupy myself with whilst waiting. The cafe was the same place that me and Seokjin had gone to just a few days prior, so I knew that the place was a nice spot.

As I was pondering whether I should just cancel it all, go and drive out into no mans' land and start living a new life in the middle of the woods... from somewhere deep in my subconscious I still, just barely, picked up on the doorbell that made a little jingle, to indicate that someone had opened the door. It took me a few seconds longer than usual to actually snap out of it and look up towards the exit, to see if it was in fact the person I'd been waiting for or just someone else coming in or leaving.

Going towards my table, I spotted Jimin dressed in one of his ever so stylish suits, this one was a white three piece with golden embroidery, a beige coat to top it off... did he have to look like he walked out of a fashion catalog every time I saw him? My poor heart wouldn't be able to take it.

His amazing looks aside, I watched as he made his way over to me, zigzagging between the other tables, quite a few people giving him second looks as he did. He waved to me with a large smile coming upon his plush lips and I felt my cheeks heat up at the attention that was brought upon me.

"Yoongi! It's so nice to see you" he greeted me and I gave him a quick smile, nodding in agreement as I mumbled out "Likewise", before he sat down in the seat next to me, rather than opposite.

"So... about that message" I commented quietly and he perked up at my words, nodding as he rested his head on his hand, his elbow leaning down on the table in front of us.

"Yes, I was shocked, before I saw that it was Seokjin who sent it" Jimin mused as studied me closely and I hummed, understanding what he meant, since I wasn't one to suddenly ask someone to meet up out of nowhere, especially not without any planning ahead of time.

"I... I need to talk to you about something... but it's not very easy for me to speak about" I admitted and I saw how his facial features scrunched up, somewhat, in concern. He nodded, mentioning for me to please continue.

"We never really spoke about it too much... but I... fuck... how do I put this?" I trailed off, muttering to myself, all before I felt a soft hand placed on top of my own trembling ones and I snapped my head up to meet his gentle eyes.

"Don't worry, take your time"

"It's about my pairing" I began, taking a quick breath, but I tried to make it short in an effort to not leave too much room for him to get any wrong ideas, so I hastily continued by explaining "He chose to leave me for someone else on the day of the pairing... and I always thought that I'd never see him again... but I did... a few days ago" my voice got weaker and I could feel my emotions brimming just beneath the surface, just wanting to break out and wash over me wholly... but I had to try and compose myself in order to fully explain everything to Jimin. He didn't deserve to be left in the dark about it.

I took a deep breath and as I noted how my inhale was jagged, I felt one of my legs begin to feel restless, whilst the rest of my body felt heavier by every second that passed me by.

My ears began ringing in my head, my temples felt like they were pushing in on my brain as my eyes diverted to the people that surrounded us in the small shop... it felt as if every single one of them could hear us, were silently spying on us as they awaited to hear what secret I was going to spill next.

"Here, drink some water" I heard from my right and I looked back to the male next to me, reminding myself that his lightly tanned skin, peachy lips and perfect brown eyes were all real.... and that he was the one who'd made it possible for me to see all those beautiful colours again.

I sent him a grateful nod, accepting the glass and taking a few smaller sips, before trying to speak again.

"I-I... I guess... the problem is... that I always thought ones' pairing was also ones' perfect match... b-but..." I stumbled over my words... not really sure if I had the courage to actually say what was in big bold letters inside my head, underlined and circled in with a large heart around it.

"But?" Jimin inquired, leaning in even closer towards me, showcasing that my words had somehow piqued his interest.

"I don't regret it or feel anything towards him... be-because I think I love y-you" I said, almost a bit too loudly, and after realising that my voice came out a bit stronger than I'd intended it to, I quickly glanced around to make sure that none of the other customers were interrupted by me.

I didn't even regain consciousness of the fact that the person who'd I'd proclaimed my feelings to was still there, until I felt a small peck on my cheek shortly thereafter. My eyes went wide at the sensation and I looked back at him, shock most likely prominently displayed on my features as I did. "Yo-you... my cheek... you" I gaped at his actions and a small smile took over his mouth.

"Those feelings are reciprocated"


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