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"Dark blue? Black? Black"

"Ruffles? Oh hell no, sleek it is, is a tie too formal? It's a meeting... I should wear a tie, maybe just a normal black one... yeah"

I was rushing across my small apartment in a fit of anguish and panic as I was stressing out over the lunch meeting that Seokjin forced me to come along to, it was enough for me to freaking book the thing... I could happily have been left out of the picture. Jin had tried to make me a bit more excited by saying that the lunch would be paid by the company and therefore I could eat whatever I wanted, no matter the cost, but I never liked eating in front of others either way and neither do I feel like fancy ass dishes would actually ever suit my taste... so my friend's so called reassurance was of no help whatsoever.

I slipped on my chosen suit, going classic and sleek, with no room for any flaws in dress code... although it could just as well be interpreted as if I was going to a funeral, but that was kind of my style to begin with, so I couldn't care less about that small detail.

I let my hair be the birds nest it was, knowing, from past experience, that there was no use to try and style it into any form of hairdo. As I finally put on the jacket to top it all off, I heard my doorbell and I hastily fished out my phone from my pocket, noting that Seokjin would come get me, which meant that the one by the door was most likely him.

I'd been rushed out of work when I just an hour earlier realised that the meeting would be quite soon and had to speed like a maniac to ever get a chance to be ready on time... but it looked like I was in fact right on the money.

"Yoongi, it's me, let's go already!" I heard my friend's voice from behind the entrance door and I lightly jogged towards my shoe rack, consisting of a small box, a pair of shoes inside and one on top, pulling on the black pair that I always used, for any occasion.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back to him, just before opening the door and he smiled upon settling his eyes on me, scanning my appearance. His vision fixated on my unkempt hair and I could see how his otherwise pleased expression turned into a small disappointed frown, one that I could picture a mother having and I smiled cheaply at him, pushing past him, in an effort to not get scolded on my bad styling choices, which was nonexistent.

"Yoongi, come back here" he spoke loudly, as I heard him starting to walk faster to try and catch up to me, but I, rather swiftly to be me, shuffled into the car, waiting for him to also get inside, by which point my friend understood that there was no point in arguing about the mop on the top of my head.

"You should at least have combed it" he muttered as he turned the keys, the engine roaring to life and then we were off, zooming past the people walking on the sidewalk, trees passing by as mere green blurs.

"Hoseokie said that he's already there, now he's waiting for us and then mister Park" Seokjin explained and I hummed in an uninterested tone, to which I felt a small slap at the back of my head and I snapped my head to see Jin, who had his eyes trained on the road, huff at my unenthusiastic response... but I couldn't help it.

"Fine, what do you want me to say? I can't wait?" I commented as I once again settled my eyes on the images passing us by and he sighed deeply, taking a long inhale, before saying "No, I want you to be honest, but please, even thought this could be a good opportunity for you to get to learn more people, know that it is still a work related thing, Hoseokie needs this meeting to go well" my tall friend stated in a much more serious tone and I hummed, albeit I felt no more remorse for the damn thing because of it.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be good" I chimed in and from the corner of my left eye I could see him shaking his head with a dismissive smile.

Before long, we had arrived outside of a fancy looking building, decorated to the top with swirls and markings that could only have been handmade, pillars framing the large double entrance doors, looking through the large glass panels perfectly placed out throughout the facade, one could spot giant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, which made me remember the fact that I was actually the one who had booked this place... why on earth did I ever do that? Was I crazy? Yes, yes I was.

I couldn't help but to let my mind wander to one of the only other times when I'd seen such a magnificent building, my pairing. That house had beautiful details just as this one did, not the same style, but it kept up with just as much pristine and elegance.

"Seokjin... this feels like a bad idea, does mister Park even know that I too am attending this meeting? I should just go back, I have a packet of instant noodles at home, I'll boil some water and get them going and then you guys can just text me and tell me how it's goin, I'll be ready if you guys need anything too, I'll have my car keys ready just in case and you three can just relax and have a wonderful lunch together, eating some luxurious shit like salmon or something and-"

"Yoonig, please stop, you're rambling" my friend chuckled, his hands coming up to grip my shoulders, forcing me to look him in the eyes and I anxiously let my dark orbs settle on him, my eyebrows heavily furrowed.

"I mean it" I stated in all seriousness, but he didn't seem to buy my words and instead just pushed me in front of him, forcing me to walk into the restaurant with no chance of escaping since he had my only escape route blocked off...


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