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When Seokjin had spoken to the waiter, who'd been waiting by the small stand at the entrance, we were then formally led into the restaurant through it's beautiful decor and to our table, where Seokjin's husband, my boss, was waiting for us... but there was, however, no sign of anyone else yet to arrive.

"You guys came, good, good, hi sweetie" mister Jung greeted both of us happily, before standing up to kiss his husband in a loving manner, holding him incredibly close, although the three of us had already met earlier the same day at the company.

"He's not here yet?" Seokjin asked the obvious question and Jung hummed, confirming his theory, which kind of made me relax a bit, being able to breath just a tiny bit better, not having to plaster on a fake persona just yet... because I would surely have to do that when this Park came along.

From what I remember about him, from my phone-call, he was smooth, he'd probably be able to talk anyone into anything, maybe slick was a better word for it? What if he was only using mister Jung's company for personal benefits and had actually no genuine interest in our cooperative contract?

Again, like so many times before, I forced myself to look away from the lovey dovey couple that just had to be all mushy with each other, sweet-talking one another non-stop and so I settled with inspecting the different paintings that were hung up here and there. Most of them looked to be classical paintings of either still life or one of those drawings that had a naked man with a small leaf covering his junk, but there was this one drawing, to my right, that captured my attention unconsciously. I let my focus completely settle on the gorgeous brush strokes, every single part of it looked like a surreal dream put into the words of an artist. It was in fact only a flower, but the way someone had drawn it out and then made it into the mix of varying tones and swirls was simply mesmerising.

"Uhm, excuse me, you must be Min Yoongi?" I heard a somewhat familiar, melodic voice say in the back of my head and I shook my head slightly, looking around to make sure that I wasn't just hearing things and going crazy, but to my surprise there was in fact a very stylishly clad male standing beside me, hand reached forward as a greeting and an inviting smile on his very plump lips. I glanced to Seokjin and mister Jung who both looked to have already said their hellos to the man and I hastily pulled myself up from my chair to do the same.

"Ah, yes, I'm Min Yoongi... and you're mister Park Jimin" I spoke, trying to be as formal as possible, he was a wealthy client with a high position after all, but all he did was give off a light laugh, shaking my hand courteously.

"Just call me Jimin" he said quickly before giving another blinding smile, mentioning for both me and himself to sit down by the table... he was not an old man over 50, huh?

"So, Hoseok, you truly do live and work amongst some very interesting people" mister Park commented, redirected his focus onto my boss, although I could see his eyes shifting every so often, not really settling anywhere.

I felt my eyelids flutter close, as if I was tired, but I wasn't... I was just feeling odd, I don't know how, but it felt like there were heavy stones weighing me down, like weights painfully stitched to my eyes to keep them shut. I forcefully kept them open, looking up at Seokjin, only to lock eyes with him. He was staring at me with a concerned expression, in fact, his whole body showed some sort of compassion and yet I couldn't bring myself to even blink at him.

I just sat there, my entire body stinging and painful, when I suddenly felt a hand on my leg. I would probably have jumped in my seat if I didn't have that heavy thing keeping me grounded and there didn't seem to be any need for panic either. It was mister Park who tried to gain my attention, his face soon coming into my view and his face displayed a small yet comforting smile.

"Are you okay? You spaced out for quite some time" he inquired and I felt my cheeks flush at the embarrassment, only then realising that he was so close to me, although it shouldn't have been that much of a surprise, seeing as we sat on the same side of the table.

"...'m... I'm fine" I mumbled, albeit I tried to speak as clearly as possible, slurring my pronunciation had always been a bad habit of mine, but Jimin - I mean Park, seemingly just brightened up by my reply, his plump lips stretching out into a somehow handsome grin, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"Then tell me about yourself!" he continued, clapping his hands together and I nodded, looking to my left before rubbing my hands on my thighs nervously. It almost felt as if I had to try and clean myself off from where his smooth hand had just been laying, my own hands getting slightly clammy.

"I, uh... what do you want to know, mister Park?" I questioned, still keeping my vision fixated on practically anything but him and I could hear him release a small chuckle. He commented "Anything really... and I already told you, call me Jimin" in an amused tone, which I could only picture along with another handsome smirk displayed on his spotless face.

"I work for mister Jung... and I enjoy mister Kim Jung Seokjin's cooking a lot" I explained, though I doubted that those facts were anything of interest to him... especially since he obviously already knew one of them from before.

"Seokjin's cooking huh? I'd love to try that some other time as well" mister Park spoke softly and I raised my head to see my friend give me a small appreciative nod by the compliment, before piping into the conversation himself with "Of course, I'll invite both of you to dinner some evening, doesn't that sound great honey?" to which his husband hummed joyously, he'd obviously agree to anything that his husband proposed.


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