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My day was just like usual. I was working on multiple projects like I always did, all the while Jung and Park were inside the private office, once in a while one of them would come out to get some papers or other objects that my boss didn't already have in his room... which wasn't a lot of things, he had maximized the capacity and holdings of his office so that he'd be able to get his job done without anyone going in or out of it, for the sake of efficiency... which was one of the many reasons as to why I truly admired him so much.

I kept on keeping my mind preoccupied with my many tasks, but for some reason, my head kept floating back to the day of my pairing, way more than it usually did. The memory of his electric blue hair kept popping into my mind when I least expected it to and that consequently made it harder for me to focus on my actual job... which wasn't good... I needed to get everything done, especially when I was so close to getting mister Jung set up with this corporate giant who we had wanted to get a contract with for forever.

When the clock finally displayed that it had in fact become midday, Seokjin came waltzing down the long corridor like always... however, there was something odd about him and I soon realised the reason for his slightly off aura was because of the very large bag he held in his left hand.

"And what is that Jin?" I asked him with rather highly raised brows, but he just smirked at my question, not even answering me, but looked past me towards my boss' office.

"Ah, honey, you came, that's so nice of you" mister Jung suddenly greeted and I spun my chair around, surprised to see both him and Jimin standing in the opening of the door... what the hell was going on?

"Oh, Min, please do come inside as well, my lovely husband brought lunch for all of us" my boss exclaimed happily, waving his hands as if to motion for me to go in, but all I could do was mumble a quizzical "What? Excuse me... what's going on?"

The three males around me just chuckled at my expression, shaking their heads at me, before Jung started with "Both Jimin and I like to stay inside our workspaces, as to not get distracted, and so we asked my sweetheart to make us some sort of indoor picnic food to eat together" which explained a lot... but why would- "And you're obviously invited as well" he swiftly added, interrupting my thoughts.

All I could do for that time being was just stare at my boss, wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows, before I eventually got out "B-but I... I've still got a ton of work, I shoul-" but that moment I got interrupted by "For my sake?" which slipped out of Jimin's mouth, an innocent smile on his plush lips.

"I..." my vision that had been unintentionally steered towards him, faltered and I let my eyes settle on the black floor beneath my polished shoes.

"I don't care what you say, you're coming" I suddenly felt someone very strongly pull my arm, forcefully dragging me into mister Jung's office... it was obviously Kim Jung Seokjin... none of the other two would probably ever be daring enough to pull such a move with me.

"Jin" I whined quietly to my friend, who didn't seem to care about my work-life whatsoever and made me sit down on one of the chairs in the stylishly decorated room. It was an open place that had large windows facing the rest of the city. The very first time I walked inside, I was so mesmerised by the view that I actually had a hard time focusing on what mister Jung was telling me.

"You just wait here, I'll unpack the food for all of us" Seokjin mused as he accusingly held his finger pointed at me in an accusing manner... "Okay"

There was never any use in trying to argue with him, he'd always get away with anything his mind was settled on... he'd probably make a good attorney... or even murderer... I shook my head, successfully getting rid of the weird ideas, only for them to get filled with the face of Park Jimin who was standing in front of me, arms crossed over his chest whilst inspecting me?

"Uh... h-hi?" I mumbled, not understanding what suddenly caused him to get so close to me all the while I had been completely unaware of him approaching... making it ever more curious.

"I just wanted to check something" he hummed with his head slightly tilted to the side, a small, yet just as handsome joyous expression on his face.

"What?" I inquired, feeling a lot more interested about his secrecy when he kept on being so vague about it. Did I have something on my face? Did he realise that I'd stayed the night at the company? If that was the case though, wouldn't he be a lot more grossed out, rather than having a small smile on his lips?

"Well, you've got perfect skin, then there's also this cute little mole on your cheek" he finally explained and I had to blink a few times, as if to make sure that I had heard him correctly and that it wasn't just my cruel imagination, like it usually was.

"C-cute?" I repeated and he nodded repeatedly with a grin coming across his features. He raised his hand, lifting it close to my face and out of nowhere booped my cheek with his index finger "Yeah, cute mole, right there" he said happily and I gulped, shifting my vision to Jin, who was tauntingly smirking at me, his arms victoriously crossed over his broad chest...

I sent him a quick glare, trying to silently tell him to stop, but he didn't seem to care about it whatsoever.


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