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I was not prepared for the rest of the day... sitting with Jimin, Jung and Seokjin whilst eating a sort of indoors picnic... which had turned out to actually be a great pastime... and I didn't want it to end so soon, I felt as if I could be relaxing with them like that for hours on end. If I could, I would've tried to capture the moment and just live like that for the rest of eternity, it seemed like a good, no perfect way to spend one's time for forever... or maybe that was just my mind wanting to securely grab onto any better times in my otherwise bland and boring life.

Either way, I let my shoulders slump down, my head resting on my hand that was planted on the chair's armrest. Seokjin was telling another one of his funny stories, which mister Jung, like always, reacted to with his utmost reactions, acting as if he'd never heard any of them ever before... when both of us knew we'd listened to all of them multiple times prior.

"Psst" I suddenly heard a quiet whisper from my right, Jimin was leaning over to me, his elbow even coming over to my chair. His face came closer into my personal space, but I didn't mind it too much.

"Hm?" I made an equally as small sound in a questioning manner, urging him to speak whatever was on his mind and he opened his mouth, but instead of speaking right away, he most likely unconsciously licked his lips to moisturise them, before eventually saying "We should do this again" just as carefully as before, his voice soft and calm.

"Y-yes, we should!" I exclaimed, regrettably loud, which earned me to get the attention of the other two people in the room, both of them staring in me and Jimin's direction.

"What were you two gossiping about? Hm?" Jin inquired, brows playfully raised and I felt a warmth crawl up my neck and over my cheeks, a blush undeniably covering my entire face within seconds.

"N-nothing" I replied, not being able to help the stutter, but my friend didn't seem convinced at all, which he confirmed by loudly stating "I don't believe you" and Jimin started chuckling by Seokjin's blunt comment all the while also shaking his head.

"I just said that I'd like to do this again with Yoongi" Jimin explained out loud, making me snap my head over to him... not expecting those words to escape his mouth... especially not since he singled me out, even though there were four people in the office.

"Only Yoongi?" Jin whined with a childish pout, albeit I could see through it, anyone could tell that he was just joking around, but I actually wanted an answer to his question, most likely more than Jin himself did.

"Well, you guys too, of course" he added swiftly, shrugging lightly in a nonchalant way... okay, what did that mean?

Jimin then turned his body fully to me once again, to which I basically uncontrollably mirrored his actions, making myself turn to him a bit more as well.

"Yoongi, I and Hoseok were talking about you earlier, he spoke about how you're close to getting a contract with VERTU?" Jimin suddenly inquired and I tilted my head, craning my neck to stare at my boss accusingly... why did he let such a big secret slip? Did Jimin also want a contract with them? Did he think I wouldn't be able to get it?

"Yeah, I'm working on it, while on the topic, mister Jung I can admit that I've booked a meeting with one of their people" I stated, before letting my eyes come back to the man sitting beside me.

"That is impressive! I know their CEO, you have to be very persuasive to be able to get a hold of him" the sandy blond male exclaimed with something alike to proudness to his form.

"We're only communicating via mail, but he does seem rather intimidating" I mumbled, scratching the nape of my neck, not knowing if it was a bad move for me to say such a thing when the VERTU's CEO knew Jimin.

"Yeah, I can attest to that. He and I are private friends, he can make even the most pompous person's ego falter like a weak feather" Jimin snickered, looking like he was thinking back to a specific memory and I nodded along.

"Anyway, Yoongi, you sure do a lot for an assistant" he changed the path of the conversation and I raised my brows at his words, not understanding what he was hinting at. I did what I'd always done.

"What do you mean?" I questioned quizzically and he smiled largely at my reaction, looking to mister Jung who was speaking to his husband quietly. The two of them seemed to have a lovely moment together, as if there were only the two of them in their own little world.

"From what I've seen and heard, you do a lot more things than my assistant does" he stated with a knowing expression... yes, I did. I knowingly did way more than I actually had to and I obviously knew the reason as to why. I always made myself so preoccupied that I had no time to let myself think about anything else.

"Yeah?" I mumbled with a rather nervous chuckle at the end, looking down at my hands that I interlocked in my lap.

"Yeah, mine only checks the ID for the people coming to see me, occasionally handing me some letter, but most of my mail gets to me through my own computer, so even that doesn't happen too often" he explained and I sighed heavily, not knowing what to do... if I was to speak, I didn't know what to say, not to mention that I always kept my body language as neutral as I possibly could, should I just dismissively wave it off? Would that be seen as too rude? It felt like I wasn't in the right setting to do such a thing. Maybe if it had been Jin that I was speaking to... but it wasn't, it was Jimin, one of my boss' important contractors.

"I-I guess I just like a fast work pace" I mumbled, a lot lower than I had intended to and I could hear Jimin humming along to my words, although I didn't know if it came off as a believable enough reason... it wasn't a lie either, it just wasn't the whole truth. I was too much of a coward to even look up and see his reaction, instead keeping my head submissively lowered.

"Hey, Yoongi, we should sneak out, to give the married couple some alone time before all of us have to start working again" I suddenly heard Jimin's voice, right next to my ear and I gulped... knowing that if I was to look up at that moment, he'd be right there.


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