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Taehyung was right... it should've clicked the second he came waltzing down the long corridor, just oozing with overbearing pride and confidence. I guess it was present in my mind, but somehow I suppressed it to the very back of my head, where it got no room to breathe.

Kim Taehyung was the CEO of Vertu and he was the business partner that I'd tried to get a hold of, for Hoseok's sake, for such a long period of time.

What did that really entail though? Would that even change anything? It shouldn't have mattered whatsoever. But somewhere in the back of my head, I was painfully reminded that Jung Co. needed the deal to hit its final growth spurt. It was the deal that we'd all been waiting for.

That day, I had simply said a plain, yet proper, excuse. "I have to leave you now, but if you wish to speak to me or Kim Jung Hoseok about business matters, you can reach me on my company number" all that, before I'd hurried to walk off.

I couldn't take even being in his presence... at some points in my life, I'd always believed that perhaps my colour vision would be restored if my true pairing came back, but when meeting him again that day, it became clearer than ever that he only made it worse.

I would have to work with the bloody man and even though I'd be wearing a smile, it'd be a fake façade in front of the public.

"Yoongi? What's gotten you in such deep thought?" I heard my boss' voice ask me and I forced my mind back into the present reality, looking up to meet his curious looking face.

"Nothing, I've just got a lot to think about" I mumbled a dismissive response back, before looking to the clock that was displayed on my computer... "But what are you doing here Hoseok? You're supposed to be meeting with the president of Vertu right now" I felt how my throat tightened, my eyes going back and forth between staring at him and the device in front of me.

"Right, I want to speak to you about that" he began saying, before taking a short pause, sighing quietly to himself.

"Kim Taehyung and I will be signing a contract, but I want you to know that I understand if you don't want to get involved with him" he explained and I furrowed my eyebrows at him, opening my mouth, before shutting it again, tilting my head at him in suspicion.

"I... I never told you that it was him" I mumbled, squinting my eyes at him, only gaining an empathetic rather sloped smile in return. He quickly cleared his throat, sending me a pointed look, before shifting his focus to my desk, then back to me again.

"Yoongi" he started, smiling sadly at me "I know you well enough to figure that out" he finished and upon thinking back to the weird meeting between me and my pairing, that Hoseok just had happened to stumble upon... well, maybe it wasn't so weird.

"I guess... but are you sure? About the offer I mean?" I looked away, feeling guilty about him even proposing such a thing, "I'm your assistant, I am supposed to be able to handle everything, regardless of-" I began rambling, but I was nicely interrupted by mister Jung saying "Yoongi, it's fine, truly. You do more work than most assistants anyways, so  it won't be a problem whatsoever"

My chest felt lighter after hearing his reassuring words, albeit I still felt a bit bad about my emotions being a hindrance to my work. I gave him a small appreciative smile "Thank you Hoseok"



My boss' suggestion about my new schedule had been proving to actually further my relationships, from Seokjin and Hoseok as my closest friends to Jimin in a romantic sense, which had made my overall health better, especially considering that my mother no longer felt the need to pry, saying that "You look happier, I don't know what changed, but I'm glad"

I smiled at my mom's last message, shaking my head at her silliness, before a couple of hands suddenly planted themselves on my desk, forcing me to look up at the newly arrived person. I hadn't heard anyone coming, but perhaps I was just too preoccupied.

"You're really not even going to work when I'm around? Isn't that rather unprofessional Yoongi?" I sighed hearing Taehyung's question. He had an expression mixed between disbelief and smugness plastered across his face, along with a perfectly raised eyebrow, awaiting an answer.

"Please don't talk to me as if you know me" I clicked my tongue, letting my vision falter downwards as I kept organising the papers that I was supposed to get ready for Hoseok before his next afternoon meeting. "Me and my boss have come to a deal, which doesn't concern you one bit" I continued, not bothering to look up at him whilst speaking.

"You're really giving up, huh?"

His question made me scrunch up my nose, tilting my head in confusion as I snapped my head back up at him. "I truly don't understand what makes you think that choosing someone better suited for me is equal to giving up" I squinted my eyes at him, just barely catching the brief moment of him scoffing, before that overly prideful grin snuck onto his face again.

"Because you're not choosing your true pair" he commented, as if that alone was the most valid argument to make.

"And?" I picked up the bundle of papers, "You chose to leave me... that was all in your will, why is it that now, that it's me choosing to leave, it's wrong?"

It shouldn't have entertained me as much as it did, but the way his haughty posture faltered caused me to have to force back a small chuckle. "I already told you, I came back to you, I'm with you now" he insisted and I blinked at him, actually not bothered by his words.

Instead of replying to him straight away, I just hummed quietly, a small smile settling on my face. "You know..." I started, garnering his attention and I glanced down to the papers in my arms, "I think I'm glad you left me, I don't think I would've liked the person I'd be if I was with you"

I felt a certain ease filling me and I looked back up at him, meeting his eyes. "Maybe I'll see you around mister Kim" I nodded my head at him, retaking my grip of the documents, before starting to walk off down the corridor.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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