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"You know them already" I started with and Seokjin's eyes grew wide by those few mere words, his hands coming up to wave frantically in the air, not being able to get out any coherent words to make up a correct sentence because of his extreme excitement.

"What?" I questioned, trying to make him calm down, seeing as the whole couch seemed to be shaking by his movements, to which he only gave me a very large and playful grin.

After he'd made himself a tiny bit more settled down, meaning that he at least wasn't flailing his limbs all over the place, he looked me straight in the eyes, before asking "It's Park Jimin, isn't it?" and my eyes were probably wider than plates after hearing his spot on guess... maybe I hadn't been as secretive as I thought I was?

"I knew it!" he screamed out happily and I had to shush him, seeing as it was becoming a bit later in the evening, meaning that we could bother everyone else in the building.

"I knew it though! You two were so close during our lunch that day" he whisper-yelled in a victorious manner, as if he'd won a prize for having guessed correctly on the first try and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, yeah" I muttered, trying to seem cool about it, as if to mask the sheer glee and warmth that I felt inside my entire body, but especially my belly and chest.

"Don't yeah yeah me mister, I'm a very good observer who sees and understands all, I'm practically all-knowing" Seokjin spoke up proudly, chest puffed out and nose held high... although I was very certain of the fact that he wasn't, I'd think I'd know. "You're saying you're a god or something?" I chuckled out, my expression probably giving away the fact that I in no way believed his statement.

"Don't laugh, I'm just very good... at everything" my best friend argued and I just waved my hands dismissively at his pouting face. "Except any carpentry work overall, along with drawing and cutting things, especially hair... it's always either me or your dear husband who has to step in to do all of those things" I joked lightly, not wanting to delve deeper into the topic. As I didn't want to take up the inevitable long discussion of confidence, since for him it was good to be a bit more self-loving. Jin had been through a hard time and loving himself had always been difficult, like for me, he just wasn't as outwardly affected by such thoughts.

"Psch, you're not one to talk" he commented quickly, before continuing with "Either way Yoons, you need to give me a heads up before your next date with Jimin" to which my eyes went incredibly wide "What? Why?" I practically squeaked out, my face most likely akin to that of a frantic or scared animal, or perhaps both at the same time.

"Because I'm gonna doll you up and make you look real pretty!" Jin exclaimed in pure excitement, once again raising his voice to such an extent that I was afraid I'd get complaints from my neighbours.

"Ugh, Jin, no, I will never ever wear your style of clothing, never" I butted in with an unimpressed look on my face and he just completely ignored my point and instead continued with "You're going to be so cutesy and elegant" 

Raising my hand up high, as if to get his attention, I spoke yet again "Yeah... not me though, I like to wear black, not pastel and patterns" but all I got in return was an unimpressed stare, his arms folding over his chest, before casually commenting "Says you, I remember that one time whe-" looking to his fingernails, but I quickly interrupted him "NO! We do not talk about that, never again, it was my mistake, I admit it, but we agreed to never mention it"

He murmured something quietly, under his breath, but the only thing I caught was "Mood killer..." whilst he was twiddling his thumbs over each other.

"Hobi loves it when I dress up in frills and lace, he especially likes it during the evenings when we get to undress-" Seokjin began speaking, but knowing how detailed my friend could be, I opted for yelling out "Lalalalalalala, I don't want to hear what you two do during your off-time, you might be my best friend Jinnie, but he's my freaking boss, I don't ever wanna think about him in that way!" in a pained sing-songy tone, to which I saw that Seokjin was giggling so much that he was practically shaking.

"Okay, changing the subject" I began, but Jin piped in with a snarky "-Aw I thought we were getting juicy for once-" but I coughed awkwardly "Shut up Jin, so... now that you know about Jimin... you said you could help me out... and not in the previously mentioned departments" I stated and he quickly straightened up, nodding enthusiastically with a big smile on his lips.

"Of course! Anything!"


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